Friday night when my mom came into town, she brought each of the kids Halloween clothes. She thought Brandon would love this skeleton t-shirt. Brandon saw it, and immediately started shaking his head and told her he didn’t want it. He is still a little boy after all. So my mom said, “Okay, I’ll save it for Peyton, then.” She showed Peyton, and she said, “Scared!” Here is the picture:
(not sure why the pic isn’t showing, it shows in the draft) Peyton got a little witch shirt. She put it on halfway and said, “Monster!” It is a cute witch 🙂 and when I said that, she got over it, and put her other arm in the rest of the way.
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When we got home, Peyton sat down to watch TV as we got dinner ready. She looked at Brandon, patted the sofa, and said, “Brudda, sit. Sit, Bruddah.” And they sat together nicely while we got dinner ready. Brandon did a great job listening to us all day long. Funny Peyton was the one who was with Grandma and had the timeout after dinner. Correlation or coincidence. My mom laughed at the suggestion. While I was feeding Peyton her sweet potato while Brandon was in the bath, she told me, “Go Bears! Go Bears!” They were totally brainwashing her, even though she was in our team’s cheerleader outfit! I guess we aren’t doing a great job of recruiting them, always taking them to losing football games.
Sometimes I think Brandon is growing up too quickly. Other times, like today, I know this is not entirely true. Brandon has a stuffed monkey that he picked out one shopping trip with my mom. I think he was about 18 months old. She asked him which one of three animals he wanted, and he picked that one. Not sure why, but so it was. Dave was telling me how Brandon still gives it hugs, and plays with the arms and legs to “hug” himself back with the monkey. He said he knew Brandon was still a little boy because of his monkey hugs.