Today we had soccer in the morning and Mckayla’s 3rd birthday afterward. Peyton had fallen asleep at soccer, and stayed that way all the way to the party. I wasn’t sure what to do with her, not wanting to wake her up. We left her in the car for a few minutes while getting Brandon changed and ready. It didn’t last long, as she woke up. We were right on time, which meant we were early, the first ones there. Luckily, the twins showed up right as Peyton was waking up. The kids had a good (and safe) time. We warned Peyton (and Brandon) about keeping fingers out of the door. This was our first time back after the finger smooshing incident. Brandon made a choice and wanted his Halloween candy over eating a delicious cupcake. Wow, he was able to delay gratification today! I think it helped to know that we were headed home shortly after seeing the cupcakes. Had we stayed any longer, I’m not sure he would have been able to resist. He did have to think long and hard about it, and he changed his mind several times. When we got home, I told him he could have the candy after he went to nap. He was sooo upset! Tears, immediately. Dave told me that I should reward him right Magnesium containing antacids may cause diarrhea and may lead discover for source levitra sale to undesirable health issues. This can easily be ascertained through a online viagra store blood test. European physicians have sent their patients with chronic pancreatic disorders to healing mineral spas for hundreds of purchase generic viagra years. This period is purchasing viagra australia called “withdrawal”. away since he already had to wait so long. I made Dave the hero (this time), and told Brandon he could have his candy. So, he sifted through his candy (three times) before selecting a small pack of Skittles. Peyton and I went upstairs for a nap. At first, I laid down on her nap area, and she pushed me off, saying, “No, Mommy!” Then I told her, “Okay, you lie down, and I’ll go up here,” and got up on my bed. She was fine with that, and stayed down. She must have been tired, because within five minutes, her eyes were closed. And she was asleep, where she remained until we heard the doorbell ring (2 hours later). We always get people ringing the door while the kids (and I) are sleeping! Well, it’s time for the WS game, so maybe it was good timing. Right now, Peyton’s watching Mickey, since it’s the weekend! Earlier this morning, we were watching Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, a childhood favorite of mine 🙂 (the original, we haven’t seen the new one yet), so we missed out on Mickey. Peyton had danced with Mickey at Mckayla’s. It was an animated doll, and I didn’t think she’d like it, but he was dancing the Hot Dog dance, and I guess Peyton didn’t mind at all!