Halloween Highlights

We waited all day long for the sun to go down.  Too bad game 4 was on at the same time.  Dave wanted to go out at 530pm, but there was still plenty of sun!  So I told him we should go after we get one doorbell ring.  We got the kids ready to go, and we got our first ring around 645pm.  It was our cue.  We started out down the street, with Vivien and Abel’s house being our first pit stop, and then back to our own complex.  We hit up a cul de sac, which was a big bang for our buck, hitting 8 houses with not much walking in between.  Brandon walked much of the way, and because it was a lot easier for her, Peyton ended up walking most of the way as well.  We had in it case, but she actually was keeping up with Brandon.  It took her a few houses to get into the swing of things.  She didn’t like to ring the doorbell.  She’d hesitate and turn around to be on the doorstep.  She only followed Brandon once the door was opened already.  I remember Brandon being the same way before.  Whenever either one heard dogs, they both balked.  Neither one wanted to stay, and in fact, a few houses, when we heard dogs, Brandon turned around and decided against ringing the doorbell.  One house had dogs, and the owner had to convince the kids that the dogs were okay.  In fact, he gave them more candy because he didn’t want them to be afraid of the dogs.  One lady, upon seeing Brandon, said, “Are your parents here?”  We were close, but out of her sight at the door.  Dave popped out and she said, “Come inside, we have treats for adults, too!”  Peyton was curious when she saw Dave and Brandon disappear into the house, so we followed.  They offered us a piece of cake, and each kid got a full sized candy bar and/or chips or a piece of fruit.  I was trying to get Peyton to pick up a Clementine, but she went right for the candy bar.  We told Brandon to take just one.  They offered us champagne, wine, or water.  We declined the alcohol, but took a fancy bottle of water!   The little old lady and little old man were so cute! They were just watching the game, and partaking in all the treats in front It relaxes muscles around the male genital organ to allow more blood flow to the sexual organ. online sales viagra These changes affect all parts of our lives. buy canadian viagra It india tadalafil contains sildenafil citrate in it. But now this is an option that people opt to enhance their beauty levitra on sale and appearance. of them.  We almost skipped them, too, as they were the last house in the cul de sac, somewhat hidden from the street.  We saw some of the neighborhood kids, who are a little older than Brandon.  So, Brandon followed them to some houses, but we told him we preferred him to stay with us, because Peyton wasn’t able to keep up with the boys.  Plus, it was easier for us to watch him when he was with us, and not the other boys, who were with their father.  We made it to Abel’s, and he offered Brandon 5 pieces of candy!  Brandon was always very careful in choosing his candy when the neighbors told him to select his own.  Painfully so.  We had to talk to him about just picking something quickly (we told him we had more houses to get to before it was too late).  Really, we wanted the nice neighbors to get back to whatever it was they were doing.  Nela asked us when we were coming by right as we were hitting up her neighbors!  What timing.  We got up to her house as another neighbor was chatting with them.  Josh knew what Brandon was!  (Most people did not, since we didn’t let him wear his mask, which I think completes his outfit and makes him look threatening).  We did see someone who had a pumpkin carved nicely (it was an SF and the Cal script), and Brandon commented, “I like your pumpkins.”  The man said, “I’m not so sure, (after looking at Peyton).  I think your dad went to UCLA.”  We got home after about an hour of walking around.  We had left candy out for those to help themselves.  I expected it to be empty, but Dave was right – not even half of it was gone!  We’ll have plenty of candy to donate to Brandon’s school and both of our works!  Especially since Dave, at the last minute, went out to buy more candy thinking we didn’t have enough.  When we got home, Brandon emptied out his loot, and shifted through it looking for one piece that we told him he could have.  Peyton was carrying around a small bag of gummies from our home supply, and she got to eat that.  She ended up feeding me half of it; she found that more fun than eating it!  After all was said and done, Brandon asked, “When is the next Halloween?”

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