Weekend funnies

No shortage of laughs being home with the kids for 48 hours thus far.  Like this morning, when we were watching clips from SNL’s B. Mars musical performance, and we heard a new teaser, “Tune in Monday to find out how to stop moms from drinking.”  Brandon chuckled and repeated, “How to stop moms from drinking water.”  Dave and I were just cracking up, and that was just to start the day!

Peyton proved she is a partial Mah after responding to a request to pick some piece of food off the floor by using her toes.  She tried several times.  She will refine the craft, I’m sure, over the years.  There have been at least two generations before her, if not more, of which I may not be aware.

Yesterday, I wore my orange WS champion shirt.  Dave was NOT happy to see me 🙂   I picked Peyton up while wearing it, and she said, “GO GIANTS!” pointing to my shirt.  Dave was NOT happy to hear this.  What is strange is that I have never worn the shirt before, and I’m truly surprised she made the connection.  Maybe she is not color blind after all, as Dave had suspected.

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Brandon changed up the words to “5 little monkeys jumping on the bed”.  Peyton has been singing it; it’s quite funny when she sings it because she gets really serious and stern when she says, “No more monkeys jumping on the bed.”  Brandon has revised it to now be, “5 little mommies jumping on the bed.  One fell off and bumped her head.  The monkey called the doctor, and the doctor said, ‘No more Mommies jumping on the bed.'”

We’re trying to figure out something to do in the rain.  We’re looking into going to a museum.

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