Weight: 30.4 pounds (75%)
Height: 35″ (70%)
Head circumference: 19.5″
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So his check-up went well today. Brandon wanted to bring his stuffed doggy to the visit. I thought maybe he would want to bring a smaller toy, like a car. But turns out, Brandon knows what he is doing. Since he had an animal, the doctor made him more at ease by checking the doggie’s eyes before shining the light at Brandon. She, in fact, thanked us for bringing a “friend” to examine along with Brandon. Well, we’re going to say “goodbye” to whole milk, which will make it a lot easier so we don’t have to buy two different kinds now. Dave needs to have a shot now too to help prevent passing things onto Brandon (pertussis specifically). Brandon also received the Hep A vaccine; the injection nurse offered, since he was two, to give it in either the arm or the thigh. I couldn’t imagine doing an IM injection into his skinny little arm, so we opted for the thigh. He got two stickers after he was done. He only whined a little bit when the needle went in, but she was so fast, he didn’t even notice that she was done. Before he knew it, the bandaid was on his leg. We even talked about the “biter” in class. This happens more when a child is non-verbal. The doctor seemed a bit concerned; she has a friend who has a child development center and whenever there is a biter, they call in another person to really watch that kid closely. They also talk extra to the kid to stimulate language development. Let’s hope they get this kid talking soon so he can stop biting everyone. The eye doctor visits won’t start until 3 years old. And I even asked about Brandon’s pot belly and the doctor said it was totally normal. Phew. Clean bill of health, and he doesn’t have to return to the doctor until 3 years old!!