This weekend

Yesterday, we had Joshua’s birthday party at the bowling alley.  My mom came to get Peyton, since we figured there wouldn’t be much for her to do there.  She wouldn’t want to hang around a bunch of 5 year old boys anyways and may get knocked over.  We had a good time in the lanes, with 4 kids to a lane.  The alley had put the bumpers up, so there were no gutter balls!  Brandon had a great time until I told him he had not won.  He immediately burst into tears.  Dave said it was a good thing, trying to toughen him up, and make him see that he can’t win all the time.  He also liked his fighting spirit and that he wasn’t happy not winning.  Geez, I’m all for competition, but poor guy.  He perked up when we headed in for pizza. I hadn’t really wanted him to eat too much since we were headed to Chinese New Year dinner right after.  Luckily, there were a few hours in between.  After cake, we headed out to my mom’s to pick up Peyton and caravan up to my grandma’s.  We had an uneventful dinner.  Peyton gobbled up her veggies and egg while we all ate the first two courses of dinner.  Brandon is quite the fan of jellyfish and seaweed, so he enjoyed the appetizers.  He also likes walnut shrimp even though he claims to be allergic to shrimp.  Peyton just ate the walnuts, as I didn’t want to deal with the mess of the mayo on the shrimp.  She ate quite a bit, and got tired toward the later courses.  She was leaning on me, and chewing so slowly.  I’m surprised she made it back to my grandma’s house without falling asleep, even though it was a 5 minute drive.  Dave gave both kids their baths, and I asked if they wanted to fall asleep in the same room – my grandma’s.  I knew Peyton was tired, and of course, Brandon was tired, but not enough to fall asleep with her in there.  I tried to leave them alone to see what would happen, as this was how my brother and I used to fall asleep.  My brother and I would stay in separate rooms, but would stick our heads out into the hallway until we fell asleep.  So, I’d peek in their room every few minutes and eavesdrop.  I saw her lying down, and scrunching her eyes tight.   This is what I heard her say: P: ‘Cuse me, bruddah.  ‘Cuse me.  I try go sleep.  Lie down, bruddah!” While I looked in, she was lying down, and he was hovering over her, poking at her.  I asked Peyton, “Do you want bruddah to go to another room?”  She said, “Yes.”  But really, he was there first, so I picked her up, and she immediately rested her head on my shoulder (my favorite), and didn’t mind going to my aunt’s room.  Within 5 minutes, she was asleep. 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We left a few hours later to stay over at my mom’s.  Brandon was easily transferred from house to car to house without moving much.  Peyton stayed awake a little in the car; a lot longer than I thought.  She was still awake when we plopped her down on the aerobed.  She just sighed when she was between Dave and me.  She was so content.  Then the house “settled’ and she looked around, moving just her eyes, and said, “Whassat noise?”  I told her it was just the house, and she closed her eyes and went to sleep.  This morning, she was really stubborn.  She wanted to put her own clothes on, and wouldn’t let us help her until SHE asked for help.  She started with her shirt.  She wanted to put it over her head by herself.  When I tried to help, she said, “I DO IT!”  I had already put it over her head, then she said, “Take it off,” and threw it off.  She started over.  Her face was priceless when she got her shirt on by herself.  She was so proud, but it was taking entirely way too long for us to put her clothes on.  I finally grabbed her while Dave pulled up her pants.  Dave told me, “Good luck tomorrow, trying to get her ready for school.”  Geez, I hope she gets over this fierce independence. Brandon had eaten a huge breakfast today, and while Dave and I went to the mall, he had been busy with my mom, dad and Peyton.  We got home, and gave him a snack, since he didn’t want lunch.  We told him it was naptime, then he said he wanted something to eat.  He was stalling.  We told him he’d eat after nap.  We tried to get them to take a nap together (we should have learned from last night), and even after taking Peyton out, he wasn’t sleeping.  It ended up that he missed lunch, since we had an early dinner.  He ate a full dinner!  While we were driving home and when we got home, he was complaining about not wanting to go to school.  He was crying, and going on about not wanting to go to school.  Right before bed, he was still whiny, and I talked to him about why it was so important for me to go to work, and why it was so important for him to go to school.  We talked for a few minutes, just he and I, and I thought he was really understanding where I was going with this conversation.  I told him how his friends would miss him if he didn’t go, and how much learning he was missing out on.  He stopped me and said, “Actually, I’m not sad about going back to school. I’m just sad that I missed lunch today.”  Oh my gosh.  He realized how silly it sounded and smiled while covering his face with his arm.

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