MD update, Dragon dance

I took Peyton to the doctor today since she’s had a cough for a week and now with the fever yesterday.  Luckily I did, as the doctor heard mild crackles in her right lower lobe.  Mild pneumonia!  Wow.  Sounded so serious, but she said it was a secondary infection and that she was no longer contagious.  Just the cold had gotten lower in her chest.  So, she prescribed amoxicillin, and we picked it up right away.  It took awhile at the pharmacy, since the pharmacist had to verify that Peyton wasn’t allergic to the amoxicillin, since this was noted in her chart.  She had had a rash before while on it, but it turned out to be a viral exanthem and unrelated to the amox.  She was learning how to be a clerk in the pharmacy, restocking the OTC bottles that had fallen over. I asked her what she was doing and she said, “It’s messy messy.”  I even did my part and removed a bottle of vitamin B that was in the bin with the vitamin D.  Always working, always working.  They finally called her name, and we were set to go.  I thought we could make it to ‘nastics (the doctor told us to lay low until she didn’t have a fever; and currently, she was fever-free at 97 degrees), but the pharmacy stop took longer than expected.  She wanted her medicine as soon as we got to the car.  She told me “I feel better”.  So we decided to go shopping instead after a trip to the bank.  We went to buy a baby gift, and a shirt for Peyton.
We came home and I tried to keep her awake.  We were talking just for the sake of talking, mostly nonsense to keep her awake. The problem was she was talking to me with her eyes closed, barely making it.  The more silly our conversation got (talking about eating a lion for lunch), she would laugh and come out of sleep.  We made it home and I quickly fed her.  She took a nap, and after a snack, we went to Brandon’s school to watch the dragon dance for CNY.  He was happy to see her, and she even sat close to him during circle line up.  Time to get her ready for the big school next He became a good friend to Jeff and Leena get viagra overnight during the tour. Less invasive than other options, seed implants have a strong viagra order track record of success in treating some prostate cancer cases. This is the main reason that the cancer disease and ageing can be generic viagra online prevented in a natural way. As cheap viagra prices is one of the trending pills in market preferred by doctors as well, it not only helps in enlargement of the penis but also treats for lesser ejections and other related erectile issues. year.  Miss Tarez said that Brandon told everyone that Peyton was home with a fever, and he even told the police man that visited the school as part of “community helpers week”.  Miss Tarez was talking to Peyton, who did not answer her at all.  She asked me if Peyton knew how to talk.  I had to laugh and told her she did, but not much in public.
We all lined up to go outside, and I had money for her in case she wanted to give a red envelope inside the dragon’s mouth.  She liked seeing the dragon from far away, but didn’t like it when it got up close.  She refused to give the dragon a red envelope.  Afterward, she kept saying, “I see dragon!  It’s scary. I touched hand.”  Brandon had no problems feeding the dragon his envelope.  At the end, I let the kids play for 5 minutes.  I told Brandon to show his sister around the playground.  They both picked the jungle gym.  She started climbing up the rungs, and I just let her, figuring she had to learn on her own.  I was right there, but didn’t want to hover.  Within two tries, her shoe slipped and she hit her chin (same spot where the stitches were) and started crying.  When she did, she had blood on her tongue.  So she had hit her chin, had blood come to the surface without breaking the skin, and bitten her tongue all within 3 minutes of being on the big playground.  Fantastic!  That signaled our time to leave.  Brandon was sad to go, but I told him his sister was bleeding.  As we were pulling out of the parking lot, Dave pulled up.  He took Brandon to go buy dead bolt locks, since Peyton is now tall enough to reach our locks to the outside doors.  We now have to put the door under lock and key to keep Peyton safe.  She is a little troublemaker!  So now, I’m giving her frozen fruit to help with her owie on her tongue, and she has an ice pack under her chin.  Dave was upset since she had gotten hurt; he said there was a reason she wasn’t at the school yet (even though technically she is old enough).  Only a little harm, only a little foul.

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