Custom Agents

Why do they have to be so mean?  I guess they are disgruntled as much as the next federal employee.  We didn’t really have any trouble going to Canada, but coming back, there were two agents, servicing a line of about 4 of us.  We had our passports and travel documents in a ziploc bag, separated from our luggage.  We had already had it out previously, but wanted to keep everything organized to avoid dropping the ever-important items.  So we rolled up to the guy, the old one of course; I knew it would be trouble going to the old guy.  The younger guy looked a little more friendly.  So Dave is opening up the ziploc in front of him and the guy is waving his arms around, sighing and then started with the rude comments.  “Take your time, folks.  I’m sure the people behind you don’t mind.”  And we got out the passports.  “I need your boarding passes now.  You should have been doing this in line.”  (There was only one other person ahead of us in line when we walked up.)  Then he asked why we were in Canada.  Dave said for a conference in Banff.  Then the guy Sometimes when he does doctors are unable to help. viagra online prescription So, it is better to take a pill of this and then you are good to go! So, without any further delay, login now to the drugstore and buy viagra in italy today. The causes of erectile dysfunction are tadalafil purchase both one and the same. A viagra sans prescription canada longitudinal force is applied by the device on the penis or in the genital area. said, “Oh, the Keystone thing.  Where all of you skinny people talk what us fat people are doing wrong.  Um, try diet and exercise, right?”  I couldn’t even look at the a-hole.  After I saw him shaking his head at us and throwing up his hands, I immediately looked down.  My face was bright red; my blood was boiling, my eyes even started to water I was so pissed off.  I had to purse my lips for fear that I would say something equally sarcastic right back to him.  As we collected our belongings and checked the bags, I was discussing it with Dave.  He said lucky I didn’t say anything, otherwise, we could have had a “Meet the Parents” moment, only my parents would not have bailed me out.  Later I guessed that yes, he must see a million people who don’t have their stuff together (there were only 4 people behind us in line) and by now, must be pretty disgruntled at his lot in life, making him a bitter, grumpy old man.  If it makes him happy to belittle, moan and groan the weary traveller, to get him through his measly existence, then so be it.  That thought made me feel better.