Extreme fan; Sarcasm

We were sitting on the couch with the kids, and suddenly, Dave said, “Go Dodgers!”  Dave said most of his coworkers are riding him about his LA allegiance.  Brandon burst into tears.  Dave couldn’t believe what he was seeing.  The last time Dave said it, Brandon took a swipe at him.  I told him is wasn’t okay that Brandon tried to hurt Daddy, and that he was entitled to his opinion.  Geez, I don’t want to raise an EXTREME fan.  We were both amazed that he was crying.  Totally have to tone it down around here.  Maybe it’s the two pennants I put up in his room after they won last October.  Maybe.
Peyton has trouble drinking her milk.  I think it’s because she doesn’t like the nonfat milk, as she usually slurps that down.  While trying to get her to drink more, Brandon piped in with, “Drink your milk so you can grow big and strong like brother.”  Peyton replied, “Oh wow,” and couldn’t have sounded any more disinterested.  Brandon seems to have picked up the sarcasm bug as well.  Peyton was being silly, dancing around, when she slipped on a book that was on the ground, falling down by Brandon, who was doing his homework at the table.  Brandon looked down at her and said, “Nice.”
We took another walk to return the movie to the box again.  This time, I took Peyton in the stroller while Brandon walked with us.  Dave was still The viability of this pill is of same quality as of levitra purchase online check these guys now. Online purchasing will always on sale here levitra online purchase assist you in getting erection in a natural way. Despite the fact that buy viagra for cheap is bought so often from the internet today, it may not always be “satisfying sex?” For Several men and their partners this is the case. It happens, when he misses safety viagra cipla india guidelines. at work.  We had come home early after Brandon’s Easter egg hunt at school.  Miss Tarez gave Peyton 5 eggs to take home. We emptied them out, and Brandon picked two pieces of candy to keep, while Peyton got one.  Initially, Brandon picked two jelly bean packs, while Peyton went straight for the chocolate hershey egg.  Seeing this, Brandon changed his mind and wanted chocolate, too.  He did also get stickers and a Beauty and the beast bouncy ball.  I had the kids gather the candy up into another bag to bring over on Sunday.  I told Brandon we can save it for Auntie Julie.  So he listened, as was happily putting the candy in the bag along with Peyton, one piece at a time, telling me which was for Auntie Julie, then he said, “But we can save some for Uncle Robert, too.”  Still get a kick that he can match up spouses.  Peyton’s still singing Happy birthday to Ashlyn, randomly.  Anyways, while we were walking, we were playing our alphabet game.  We were on “L” and the first word Brandon said was “Literacy.”  I had to ask him to repeat it, since I didn’t think I heard him right.  To check his vocabulary, I asked him if he knew what it meant.  He said, “Knowing how to read.”  I should have asked him to use it in a sentence.  Peyton was just soaking it all the words in, sometimes repeating us.

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