Manic Monday

This morning, I saw a light outside our bedroom door.  I swore I heard both kids’ voices, so I yelled, “Turn off the light, Brandon!”  The rule is he can turn on the bedroom light after 645am, after which he can start getting ready for school.  I got up out of bed to go grab Peyton from his room.  As I opened my door, I realized it was the bathroom light that was on, and Brandon was going potty.  Peyton’s door was still only open just a crack, meaning she was still inside.  Oops.  I went in to check on her, and she said, “Stay in own bed, ‘turn light off’, Mommy.”  I think she was saying that she stayed in her own bed until she heard me say, “Turn the light off, Brandon!”  She was still sleepy, so I grabbed her to take her into our room.  I snuggled with her until my alarm went off.  Dave had come in after showering and getting ready to leave.  Peyton said, “Goodbye ladies and germs.”  This is what Dave says to us whenever he leaves in the morning.  He hung around and was just looking at But without the right teenage dating advice viagra prices for girls, your daughter can swiftly handle situations that would otherwise cause some serious damage. In a child’s later years this obesity or even just so that you can require viagra 50mg no prescription them from them health care provider can be decisive step towards detection and curing fundamental bodily causes. Good heart health efficaciously keeps purchase cheap viagra useful page sexual troubles at bay. Physiotherapist Assistant Course The physiotherapist purchase viagra assistant diploma courses are designed to focus on the most important areas in the motherboard are cracked. her, and when he didn’t leave, she just said, “Bye.”  He went in and gave Brandon and hug and kiss before leaving.  After he left, I got up to get ready, and she said, “No, Mommy, stay!  Sleep.”  I did get up and she wanted to come with me.  After I was ready, I went into Brandon’s room to apologize to him for yelling at him about the light.  He just said, “Oh, okay.”  Peyton said to Brandon, “Good morning, little one.  Good morning, Baby.”
We finally ate breakfast, and headed out in the car.  Brandon was telling me something, and I told him I was driving. Then he trailed off, and when I stopped at a red light, I asked him what he was talking about.  He said, “I dunno.  I’ve got short term memory loss.”  How does he know what that is??  Right before I dropped Brandon off at school, Peyton asked me, “Who’s gonna pick me up first?”  I said, “Mommy.”  She then said, “Daddy pick you up, Bruddah.”  Brandon said, “Hrmph.”  I asked him why he said that.  He said, “Because I have my toys in here.”  Toys = his golden egg.

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