Less missed; Training

With each passing day, the kids ask about Dave less and less.  I had woken up before Peyton today.  My alarm was set for later, so I turned it off so it wouldn’t wake her.  Unfortunately, Brandon was already awake and making noise with his toys in his room. He woke her up.  She wasn’t too grumpy about it.
Today, Peyton, as usual, asked, “Where’s Daddy?”  (Talk about short term memory loss).  I told her, as I have the past few days, “At work.”  Then she said, “Oh, I forgot to give him a hug.”  When I asked Brandon if he wanted to talk to him, he said, “No.”  I wasn’t able to reach Dave, but when I did, Brandon changed his mind and said his, “Good mornings.”  I think we’ve gotten into a new routine finally, since Brandon had a great day at school today.  He didn’t have to write sentences.  Yesterday’s was imposed by me, as he got in trouble at tennis, so he wrote, “I will keep rocks on the ground” 15 times 🙂  He also missed sprinkler day yesterday.  But today, he was able to enjoy all the activities with the other friends.  Peyton didn’t get to talk to Dave at all today, but she didn’t ask about him since the morning.  Neither kid gave me any trouble going to sleep as they had during the week.  Peyton’s teachers said that Dave’s absence may be setting her back somewhat in her potty learning routine, as she is having more accidents at school.  My mom doesn’t drop her off until 9am, so that probably is changing things up on her.
Since I was away from work yesterday, I went in today.  I spent just the morning there, then headed over to Peyton’s school to watch her classroom during naptime while the teachers enjoyed their appreciation luncheon.  The teachers had put Peyton and the other volunteer’s kid down first.  I told them I was afraid of what would happen if Peyton were awake.  I could deal with the other kids, but it would be infinitely harder on me if she were awake.  Kristina and Jim were each patting kids to sleep when I arrived.  The hardest was the boy that gives Peyton a hard time.  Jim says he likes to talk if he’s awake.  He’ll talk to anyone.  She was saying, “Miss Jim is going to lunch.  I’ll be back.”  He said, “(His name) go to lunch.”  She said he was a difficult one.  I was up for the challenge.  He was rolling around and Miss Jim was trying to keep him on his mat.  I continued patting him, while he calmed down.  Kristina gave me the low down on each kid.  The other mom hadn’t arrived at this time, so I wanted to know what was going on with each kid – who might wake up, who might cry out, what they would need.   There were only 11 kids, 2 were absent today.  Kristina said Kira might wake up and cry a little bit (she never did, even though she was one of the last ones down, and first ones up), some might wake up, but remain quiet, and one may not sleep.  She pointed to Peyton in the corner, and said, “Oh, yeah, that one in the corner likes to move around, just so you know.”  Haha…I know, I know.  So I continued to pat A while the teachers took off.  I’m not the patient patter, so after 1 minute, I lifted his blanket up, and saw two eyes peering back at me.  I covered him up again, and continued patting.  This continued for a few more minutes, then I was bold enough to check again.  This time, eyes were closed and no more movement.  I went over to the one who may not sleep.  I was a little worried about him, too.  So, he was my next challenge, although he was nice and quiet, but he had this stare.  It was unnerving.  So I sat next to him, patted him, and finally he went to sleep.  I got up to get the project the teachers had left – cutting out shapes for the kids’ summer camp.  When I got up, the kid opened his eyes and looked at me.  I quickly went back to him and continued to pat.  When I was close, he closed his eyes and fell back asleep.  Brandon has trained me well.  These kids have NOTHING on Brandon back in the day.  I don’t know how they put him to sleep at school, and they did, but we had such a hard time when he was at home.  I cut out all the shapes, about 20 baby belugas (the classroom’s mascot for the summer).  About an hour into our stay, one kid woke up, groggy, looked around, made eye contact with me, and his eyes almost popped out of his head.  He didn’t know what was going on.  He quickly turned away from me, as I did with him.  I just wanted him to go back to sleep.  He finally did.  Kira was being patted to sleep by the other mom.  She was facing me, and she was also giving me the stare.  She knows me, as she’s waved to me before, but she was giving me no emotion.  I could tell she was tired, but she didn’t understand why we were in the room and not her teachers.  Finally, Jill got her to go down, and her eyes closed.  I gave her the signal, and she, too, got up to go cut her templates.  We sat on opposite sides of the room to separate ourselves between the sleeping kiddos.  Nothing happened until about 2pm, when Jill’s daughter got up and saw her there.  She was next to Peyton who stirred a little, then turned over.  I didn’t want her to see me, so I hid behind the bookshelf.  At this time, Elyn came in to offer me lunch.  Jill had brought her own food.  I had eaten just a little bit before I left work, so by now, I was hungry.  I quickly got my food and headed back to the room to eat it.  The pasta, meatball and salad was yummy!  I scarfed it down just in case I was needed.  Peyton was rolling around more, and I knew that meant she was close to getting up.  It was about 220pm, and the teachers were supposed to be back by 230pm.  Good thing Jill and I didn’t talk, otherwise Peyton may have heard us.  She made it until the teachers got back, and as soon as she popped up and saw me, she started whining and making her way over to me. She was still sleepy, so she walked like a drunk stepping around the mats on the floor.  I gave her a hug, and then asked her to put her bedding away.  She slowly put stuff away, and forgot it was Friday, as she was headed to her cubbie.  I asked her to put it in my bag, and she did.  I think she was still a bit confused.  Miss Jim helped her go potty, and put another diaper on to head home.  She said it was a good idea to make sure she didn’t pee in the car.  We met my mom at home, then did some errands before picking up Brandon.  We headed to dinner after that, and both kids ate their fill.
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I’m trying to get back into my routine of running.  It’s supposed to be M/W/F and one weekend day.  So far, our summer has been a bit hectic, but I did get to go twice in a row this week!  I went for a 5K run yesterday, and today was 5 miles.  I set a PR on the iPod with the 5 miles, at 55′ 51″.  Still behind my pace at the Turkey Trot!

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