Hi, Decki!

Brandon walked into the classroom today to find Declan.  He exclaimed, “Hi, Declan! Hi, Decki!  Decki-boy.”  Brandon kicked off his shoes and was getting ready to eat his blackberries.  Then the conversation commenced. 

Decki: What’s that, Brandon?
Brandon (with some prompting by the teacher for Brandon to answer Decki): Blackberries.  I got the finger stuck in the hole; Mommy, with scissors, and took it out over here. 
Decki: What’s it taste like?
Brandon (after asking by me whether it was sour or sweet): Sour.
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But the two kids were again having this little people conversation, talking like grown ups would with one another.  The teachers and I were just amazed. 

Then the teacher commented that Decki’s hair was sticking up.  He repeated, “My hair is sticking up.”  Brandon chimed in, “My hair is sticking up, too!” 

Now that we are home, and Dave is here too, Brandon is calling Dave “Decki”.  As in “change the batteries, Decki”.  Dave is trying to correct him, but Brandon just thinks it’s funny.