
Today, after school, Brandon was holding his head, saying, “My head hurts!” We hadn’t yet eaten dinner, so we both told him he needed to drink more water, and maybe his head hurt because he was dehydrated.  He started coughing today, and maybe it was making his head hurt.  In any case, I poured him a cup of water, and he returned it to me before I had a chance to say, “What do you say?”  He was really thirsty!  Or he was convinced the water would cure his ails.  We didn’t hear anything more out of him about it.  He ate his dinner with no complaints, and still didn’t get dessert as he is on a dessert moratorium.  After he was all done with that, he went upstairs to go to the restroom.  We told him to take a bath after he was done pooping.  He was up there for awhile, then suddenly, we heard a flush, then he came storming downstairs complaining he didn’t want to take a bath.  Maybe he was jealous of Peyton, who was just hanging out with us downstairs.  A large number report that Revivogen is, clearly, the most effective natural combination treatment that can help men who fail to attain stiff form of male reproductive organ. generic no prescription viagra Besides that, some generic viagra online http://bananaleaf.com.ph/catering/ compounds like L-arginine are completely natural and are made from herbal extracts, they are much cheaper and are available everywhere. A relationship may have cialis generic 10mg an issue related to trust, openness and professionalism. There are many spe levitra mastercardts for this kind of problem in their life and this indeed ruins their relationship as well. Maybe he was still hurting somehow.  Maybe he is hormonal.  But he was yelling at us about not wanting to take a bath.  Forever!  Like a 10 minute rant.  Easily.  We were all snickering down here.  Peyton seemed a bit scared, and wanted to sit on my lap.  We just ignored him.  We would probably normally be yelling right back, but it seemed inappropriate (go figure), since he was so heated.  He was spouting off some tirade, and making no kind of sense.  I don’t know what set him off, but finally, we heard the water turn on.  He self-regulated, and turned the water off after 4-5 minutes, his usual time.  We didn’t have to say a word to turn off the water.  He just did it.  He emerged from his outburst completely calm.  He brushed his teeth as requested, and carried on his usual bedtime routine.  Maybe he just needed to let things out.  He did tell me he had a green day at school, so I’m happy if he’s behaved at school, and decides to let out some verbal diarrhea at home.

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