Pumpkins, pumpkins everywhere!

Peyton went to her first field trip today.  It was scheduled for earlier this month, but it was rained out and rescheduled for today.  It was nice and sunny today, but the morning was a bit overcast and foggy.  In fact, as we were pulling up to the school, Peyton said, “Mommy, it’s froggy today.”  I barely had the heart to correct her, but really, I can’t have her saying that forever.  I was reviewing with her how to behave on the field trip.  I told her she’d be getting a t-shirt, and she needed to keep it on.  I asked her if she knew what school she went to (she did).  I asked her the names of her teachers.  She said, “Miss Christine, Miss Joanne, and Miss Sandeepa. No, wait, Miss Sandeepa is in India.  Yeah.  Why no Miss Kristina?”  I had to tell her that Miss Kristina was at her old school.  I was worried she’d take off her shirt, not liking the color (bright green), or some other aspect of it (too tight?).  I knew she was going to go with the teacher as opposed to another parent.  I didn’t think she’d go with another parent anyways.  We were emailed around 130pm that all got back safely, and that the kids all went on a hayride, a hay maze, and a train ride, and each got a stalk of corn and a pumpkin.  She really liked her corn and asked me what the stuff on the outside was.  I told her it was a “Husk.”  She had trouble with the word, at first saying, “Hust.”  So we practiced, and eventually, she got it.

Friday is Brandon’s fall festival.  Also his costume parade.  So tonight, we are both working on separate tasks for the events.  Dave is making some adjustments (read: sewing), while I am baking some pumpkin muffins for the event.  I plan to frost them tomorrow with cream cheese frosting, so I wanted to make them in two steps so they’d be cool by tomorrow. Tomorrow is a gym day, so I hope not to spend too much time on these or I’ll never get to sleep.  I needed to get cupcake papers and some cream cheese, so when I got home, I switched kids and walked with Brandon to the store.  I like spending time with each of them separately as they don’t fight each other for attention, and each separately are more behaved.  Peyton was upset that she couldn’t come along and that she had to stay with Daddy.
Brandon and I had a nice walk and talk, and he told me about his day.  He is now in a new reading class, as the readers are separated based on their ability.  He is with Theo, Jack, and Ryan W, and they go to Miss Phan’s class.  I asked him what his hardest word to read today was.  He said, “Rescue.”  I had to admit, that was a pretty hard word.  He said the story was about someone falling off a cliff, and that some other people had to rescue the person that fell.  I asked him if it was a real story or made up.  He said, “Of course it’s made up!”  Of course.  We came back home before nightfall, and Brandon said, “I hope they are not done with dinner.”  As soon as we walked in the door, Peyton came running to say hello to us.
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We also bought some Halloween sprinkles that we can use on the top.  That will be Brandon’s job 🙂

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