Putting it together; Vacuum; Self-esteem

We’ve been doing some math problems and putting words to their numbers.  Brandon saw, “ZERO,” and said, “Oh, I know, that’s Zero, like in Haunted Mansion!”  Wow, he’s paying attention!  Now with the Nightmare Before Christmas theme, Jack’s dog, Zero is in the beginning, floating down the long hall way.

Today, Brandon and I got home first.  He was upstairs using the restroom while I washed up our dishes.  He said, “Um, there is a spider in the corner, can you get it?”  I asked him if it was big.  He said, “No.”  I asked him if it could wait until Dave got home.  He said, “No,” and started whining.  He said, “It looks like a crab!”  I ran up to see what I was up against.  There it was, pressed against the corner, and it was crab-like.  I ran into our closet, looking for our vacuum, when Brandon said, “I think Daddy put it back in the downstairs closet.”  Ugh, of course, he put it away…thought it had been in the closet for the past few weeks. So I ran downstairs and grabbed the vacuum, and sucked it up.  Brandon was concerned and wanted to make sure it was gone.  He said, “Go get the Dyson. It has more suck!”  I see future vacuum salesman in his future!
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Finally, Peyton is a very sensitive little girl, not liking to be made fun of, and crying easily when she feels like people are laughing at her.  So, while we were driving to school today, I asked her, “What do you do if someone laughs at you?”  She emphatically said, “I say, ‘GO AWAY!'”  That’s my girl!  I hope she remembers that when it comes down to it.  I am trying to teach her to have a thicker skin for later in life.  She’s going to need it.

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