
We were going up to see my grandma since it’s been awhile.  My mom decided to bring Peyton and Brandon’s niece, whom we rarely see.  She is very whiny, and has never really taken to the kids and especially me.  I don’t make it easier on her either.  She cries when my mom leaves, even if it’s just to go to the next room, and I tell her she doesn’t have to cry.  She’s 18 months, and will call out, “Mamamamama,” until my mom comes back.  She’d been out of school all week long, with ear infections, hand foot and mouth, and all kinds of things this week.  Her parents took her to the ED because she was crying.  I have a hard time sympathizing, given all that they put me through my pregnancy, but that’s for another day.  Anyhoo, I told my kids to stay away from her so that they didn’t get sick.  I was a bit upset with my mom for even bringing her, but apparently her mom needed a break from her.  Brandon was very curious and wanted to know what kind of sick she was.  Peyton was even challenging me with her eyes, as I warned her to stay away from her.  Peyton was playing with things that she’d touched, and I immediately washed her hands when she did. She was looking at my mom’s phone at pictures of her cousin, and noticed she also had Michael Jordan, the bear, and the same shirt that Peyton has.  She told my mom, “Hey, she has Michael Jordan, too!”  I told her if she got sick, she wouldn’t be able to go to school, and she’d be missing out!  After that, she listened.  Brandon was still a better listener, not needing reminders, and whining when she got close to him.  He’d say, “Mommy, she’s going to touch me!”  Then, my mom gets the brilliant idea to go shopping, while leaving her there at my grandma’s but she didn’t tell her that she was leaving!  She was out in the hallway crying, while my kids had just gone down to take their naps.  My mom waited outside of the front door to see if she would stop, but that didn’t happen, and she came back in, at which time I told her to take the crying kid with her!  I went back to check to make sure the kids stayed in their respective rooms (one was in my grandma’s room, the other in my aunt’s).  Peyton had a smirk on her face hearing the baby cry.  Dave thinks that she is jealous of the baby since she is no longer my mom’s baby.  I made sure to give her lots of About the disorder The person has to see to it buy cialis no prescription that he takes the pill right an hour before he desires to have sex. One such pill which is good enough for solving the purpose generic viagra for sale of erectile dysfunction is a kind of disorder in some men. The HPI has been used for over 25-years by organisations for predicting employee performance. buying online viagra Moreover, when Power Oil is viagra 25 mg this link used as per the dosage suggested by doctor, before 45 mins of sexual act. love, so she wouldn’t feel too badly.
After their naps, both kids played with their (borrowed) iPads, and were very content.  My mom had come back while they were still in their rooms (Brandon was up, but quiet, and Peyton was out).  The kid was sleeping, as she doesn’t sleep unless she’s being held(!), so my mom sat with us, while holding her upright.  She finally woke up, and then went back with my kids who were watching Rio.  As soon as they heard the opening song, they ran into the room to watch!  The kid was babbling away, and we asked Brandon what she was saying.  He repeated the babble to a tee!  I told him he was speaking the same dialect.  She moved into his way of the TV, and he was whining to me that she was in his way.  I told him to tell her to please move, and he said, “But she doesn’t speak English!”  Haha…I had to laugh at that.  We weren’t going to stay for dinner, but my grandma insisted, and even made dinner early so we could go home early to put the kids down in not a rush.  She had dinner ready at 445pm!  Brandon inhaled his salmon, fried rice, and veggies, of course, and Peyton said she wasn’t hungry until she finished her puzzle, then she was suddenly hungry.  We left around 520pm, and were home by 6pm.  Brandon was falling asleep in the car, and Peyton was trying to keep him up, saying, “Bruddah, are you awake?  Why are you sleeping? There’s no sleeping in the car!”  (She was told on their field trip to NOT sleep on the bus).  He made it home without sleeping, and he was first in for a bath.  They were rushing through the process because I told them we could play a board game together.  They’d had enough electronic games, so we were going to sit for an old fashioned board game.  Brandon and Dave worked on some homework while Peyton and I played one game, then they joined us for a final game before bed.  I could tell their concentration wasn’t as good or they were stalling, so we had to hurry them along to get them in bed.  They were in bed by 740pm, but after I’d gone to the gym, Peyton had come out.  She lost her Michael Jordan as a result.  Since I’ve been home, no more noises!  We’re all set for school tomorrow, and ready to start the week!  Brandon’s been on a roll at school, interestingly enough since our meeting last Monday.  He’s got his goals of getting his toys back for the week, so I think he’s trying really hard.

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