“I had a great nap!”

This morning, Brandon was particularly sleepy.  He didn’t wake up as usual; usually he saunters out right when I’m about to eat my cereal.  I changed his lower half before he really even woke up.  I thought he had woken up earlier with Dave because I heard talking before my alarm went off.  When Dave came back into the room, I asked him what Brandon was saying.  He said he was still sleeping.  I heard him talking though!  Dave said he wasn’t talking to anyone, so it must have been Brandon talking in his sleep (he does that sometimes).  He even giggles (or cries) in his sleep.  Anyways, I dressed him, put his sunblock on, and his socks before he even moved.  Then I kissed him on the cheek, and he started to smile, so I knew he was awake.  After I had changed the upper half and asked him if he wanted to go Drugs are combined so that there are many other parts that can give you more energy. order viagra online Compared to other primary names, this is viagra no prescription mastercard unquestionably favorable in hindsight. The medication can be obtained bulk generic viagra through online pharmaceutical companies that offer discount vitamin supplements online will give you a bonus or coupon if you continue to purchase from them. Normally, this drug remains effective for 36 hours after best price viagra the administration of the medicinal drugs by the medical experts & thus have been made convenient for the users. share some cereal, he really got up.  He stretched, then said, “I had a great nap!”  He sure did, he didn’t wake up in the middle of the night and come over to our bed, so I’d say he had a great nap. 
As we were eating cereal, he asked me, “Why’s my shirt wet?”  I looked at him, and sure enough, the shirt was soaked.  It was kinda weird; I didn’t see any water or anything else around.  So I smelled it – :(  – he peed.  I don’t know how it got on the side of his shirt, but his shorts were wet, too!  Ick – so I had to re-dress him in all clean clothes, which by now, he was fully awake and running around making me chase him.  After that, we both brushed our teeth – I re-brushed, while he held my toothbrush for me, then I brushed his teeth for him.  Happy Monday!

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