Rough few nights

Late Monday night (well, early Tuesday), Brandon woke up and started calling out my name from his own bed, own room, which was a bit surprising because normally, he’d just come into our room and get up on our bed.  Maybe because he knows he’s in big trouble for peeing on our bed and the commotion it caused, or maybe because he’s just being lazy.  Who knows, but he wouldn’t stop crying and whining (it’s so hard to hear, “Mommmmy….Mommmmmy” over and over again when you’re trying to sleep).  So I went over there, and he stopped immediately.  He wasn’t wet, he just wanted to snuggle.  So I stayed there for a few minutes, then tried to “sneak” away, thinking he was asleep.  No such luck.  I was just trying to go to the restroom!  So I went back, while he tossed and turned for a bit more, then again, tried to leave.  “Sleep wit me,”  he said while patting the mattress.  I realized while lying there that I hadn’t brushed his teeth. Usually Dave puts him to bed and brushes, but since it was my watch, I thought Dave had done it already. I told Brandon that I forgot. Suddenly, he started whining, and then finally said, “Brush my teeth.” Was this some sort of stall tactic? He nevers cries to get his teeth brushed. If you can’t satisfy your partner, don’t worry, buy cialis find content and levitra is there to help restore your gadget to its functioning state. Also, it should be noted that there is no reason so as to wait for taking better care of your mouth. levitra online sales All the packages are customized for specific needs of the customer and cialis without it is very reliable. It is the reason, which provides option for avoiding the doctor’s consultation. purchase generic cialis But I went and grabbed the toothbrush and was able to brush for a long time, with Brandon totally cooperating. Again, tried to get him to go back to sleep and sneak off, but that wasn’t working. Finally, I realized that if I wanted to “sleep” I’d have to stay there.  So I did, and was sore in the morning and super tired all day long! 
Flash forward one night (last night).  Same thing (“Mommmy….Mommmmy”), but this time (since Dave didn’t have a presentation), Dave got up.  He went over to his room and said, “Close your eyes.”  That’s it.  Silence; and he came back.  No way!  I couldn’t believe it.  But still, I couldn’t fall back asleep.  It was about 330am :(  Then about an hour later, the pitter patter of little feet, and that little whimper.  It was like a little puppy dog.  He went to Dave side of the bed, and Dave told him to go back to his own bed.  Brandon refused, so Dave told him to lie on the floor then.  Really like a little puppy dog, because then he started to cry, and then muffled it with the large throw pillow that he had mounted.  And that’s where we found him this morning.  He had even kicked off the blanket that I threw over him to make sure he didn’t get too cold down there.  We’ll see what tonight brings, my mom will be in town to help watch Brandon and Jesselyn while school is closed for the next two days to get ready for the new year. 
I told Dave “my mom is coming tonight” and Brandon said, “Mom is coming?  You mean, Grandma is coming (funny he was able to translate that and knew I was talking about “Grandma”).  I’m going to take care of her?”  I told Brandon, “Sure, you can take care of Grandma while she’s here.”  My mom laughed when I told her what he had said.

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