Fun Tuesday

Dave and Brandon were out the door before 7am this morning to catch the train to catch the ferry to get to Angel Island.  I’ve never been there, and I was telling Brandon how lucky and special it was.  While the boys were headed out the door, Peyton and I were just about to get breakfast ready.  She saw them leaving, and burst into tears.  I asked her what was wrong, and she said she wanted to go with Bruddah and Daddy.  She was so sad, until I told her it was spray bottle day.  She stopped crying immediately, and she said, “Can you put my name on it?”  I fed her then we were off to school.  She didn’t give it a second thought and was cheery.  So was I until I encountered another rude parent.  She was there “early” and walked up to me and said, “Hey, do you know where we drop them off when they are early?”  (Um, I’m sorry, I’m used to more manners, even at 730am sheesh! – said in my head).  What I really said, “Yes, you drop them off in Romper.”  Lady, still coming at me, demanding, “Where is Romper? She is in Sea Turtle, and no one is there.”  (Um, figure it out!  There are 5 other classrooms! Would you like me to hold your hand?)  What I really said, “You go down the hall, and past the second door.”  Good thing I have a filter, and good thing I have an outlet.  Sheesh!  How are kids supposed to learn how to behave or figure things out on their own if they aren’t shown the way!  Then she deposits said kid off in the room, and the kid is bawling.  Mom quickly leaves, while Peyton and another boy go about their business of eating breakfast.  I feel badly for the kid.  I go off to work, while Peyton is chomping on pancakes and apples (her favorite!).  Work is uneventful, but busy, and Dave is telling me he is an hour early to the pier as he heard 845am, when in fact, the first ferry out is 945am.  He was in luck that the train was 6 minutes late, given they left the house at 7am, and the train was supposed to arrive at 713am.  The train station is about 10 minutes away, on a good day.  Dave said Brandon whispered to him, “But I didn’t eat anything.”  Apparently Brandon hasn’t figured out that he will NEVER starve while in Dave’s care.  Luckily, they were there early and able to eat breakfast. I was watching their pictures throughout the day that he posted.

I picked up Peyton while they were still reading a story.  She didn’t turn when the door opened.  None of the kids did.  I was able to watch her in “her element”.  She was sitting nicely in her spot listening to the story.  The teacher actually said, “Everyone turn around and say, ‘Goodbye to Peyton.'”  Suddenly, I had 20 pairs of eyes looking at me saying, “Goodbye, Peyton,” while she ran up to give me a hug.  I love pick ups 🙂  We came home and I fed her quickly.  I’d signed Brandon up for a lego event at the bookstore, knowing it was going to be a tight schedule for him.  Dave told me he wasn’t going to make it, so I asked Peyton if she wanted to go build something.  She agreed, and this motivated her to eat quickly.  While driving over there, she was writing on a small piece of paper on her lap.  She was saying, “What is your name? Oh, David, okay.  And what is your password?”  What does a three year old know about a password?!  We got to the bookstore and checked in.  We were there about 2 minutes before we saw our family friends, Stella, Stephen, and the triplets – Nathaniel, Zarina and Cameron.  I was telling Stella and Stephen how the event was supposed to be for Brandon, as it was for 4 year olds and up, but I figured Peyton could hang.  It turns out each kid got a mini-set to put together.  It was lego Harry Potter, and we sat all 4 kids at a small table so they could reach.  Stephen told Stella, “Remember, Robyn is competitive!  It’s going to be a race!”  I said nothing, knowing it was true 😉 , but also wanting Peyton to put it together on her own and not having her be frustrated.  So we took our time.  I’m learning virtues through my kids 🙂   We slowly put it together, and she was happy when it was all together.  Here are some attempts at pictures of the 4 kids.  I was content just to have the 4 kids in one picture:
I love the expressions on Peyton’s face while she is watching the siblings.
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So we came home before Brandon and Dave.  I was just getting her in the bath when they came in.  He was goofy and silly, and he was ready for bed.  Dave had posted a picture of him passed out on the bench on the ferry. He also fell asleep on the train.  Poor thing!  At one point, Brandon was in the bath, and Peyton was already dressed.  I was talking to Dave about his day, then realized Peyton was missing.  I ran out thinking she was bothering Brandon in the bath, and I didn’t want her to get wet.  Before I was even out of my room, I was calling her name.  Instead of hearing her from the bathroom, she said, “I’m here.”  I asked her where, and she replied, “Here, in my bed.”  She was totally splayed out in her bed, just hanging out!  Wow, it was 745pm, (we’d gotten home at 7pm, since we put the project together and took off) and she was all ready for bed.  After things were settled, about 15 minutes later, I left to go to the gym.  Yay, finally, a routine!

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