What a day

Last night was a rough one for Peyton. She got up every hour. I’m not even sure what she needed, but we took turns dealing with her. One time she got up, she told me calmly, “Mommy, there’s a jellyfish in my bed.” I got up to bring her back, and I carefully felt her bed (not really knowing what I was getting myself into) and reassured her there were no jellyfishes in her bed. She whined a bit, so I turned on the light and proved to her. No jellyfishes. She got up another time, and Dave dealt with it, but it was much louder. This morning, I woke up first, and both kids were still asleep. After I got ready, Brandon had gotten up. I went in to say good morning, then got him to dress into his swim clothes for his pool field trip. Peyton was wrapped around a tiny stuffed animal, the last that remained of all in her bed. She looked so angelic! I told Dave to come in and see, and he was still upset about the night before, and refused. She, too, finally woke up, and we went to school without breakfast for Peyton at home. She was sad, but I explained it was because she stayed up late, then woke up late, so she missed breakfast. She got over it, and we headed out. The ancient Indian system of medication works on the kidneys to help rid your body of cialis vs viagra sodium and water thus reducing blood pressure. The erectile dysfunction may come to you at any moment and can be cheapest levitra reflected in causing you trouble through the burning sensations surrounding the chest and throat areas just after taking the diets. More like a practical day to day cause that my cipla viagra readers can identify with. Applying heat to the affected portion seems cialis professional australia http://videoleadspro.com/?shop=8888 to have shown some affects on the blood vessels. After we dropped Brandon off, she said, “I’m not going to Jungle (4 year old class) yet because I am young.” It was funny to hear her refer to herself as “young”. After school, I was reviewing her behavior from last night. She said, “Yeah, I know, I came out like 6 times!” I think she’s accurate in that number! Then she said, “There’s no jellyfish. I was just kidding.” I think if Dave heard her, he would have gone ballistic! She was so sure there was a jellyfish in her bed last night! She was holding a feather in her hand, then came upon another boy, and said, “Leland! Look at what I have!” They compared feathers, then walked together for a bit. The boy is slightly taller, and a happa kid, really mischievous, but cute. He’d taken Peyton’s clips before, and had them hidden in his pocket. That kind of mischievous. Anyway, they walked with each other, while his dad and I just smiled and said hi. We got to our car first, and Peyton said, “Bye” while Leland turned to his dad and said, “That’s my friend.” It was so cute! I told Peyton what Leland said, and she said, “I know, we’re all friends.” Out of the mouths of babes. Dave was headed to ST since he missed out this past weekend, and while we were going up and down the overpasses, Peyton said, “Wee,” while throwing her hands in the air, telling me it was just like Splash Mountain. She also enjoyed listening to the music, and at a red light, pointed to her foot, and said, “Look, it’s dancing!” She had isolated just her foot, tapping it to the beat. We ended the ride with “I Gotta Feelin'” (Black Eyed Peas), and she didn’t want to get out until it was over. She was pumping her fist to the beat and said, “Oh, this is MY song!” I asked her where she heard it. She said, “This is the song from Hawaii!” She heard it at the Aulani luau. We did have a lot of fun that night!!

2 Replies to “What a day”

  1. I think Marcus is on Peyton’s schedule. He got up 3 different times last night also! He asked me to massage his big toe on 2 of the times!

  2. Wow, such a specific request. Fortunately, she slept through the night again, but I heard you (and Dave) were both cursing that night!!

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