24 hour bug

So, after Brandon was picked up by Dave on Monday, Dave started feeling badly. I was hoping for the best, but it wasn’t meant to be. I felt like someone was punching me in the stomach all Monday night. I went to work on Tuesday, but wasn’t feeling 100%. I learned I was covering a busy clinic that morning, so I wasn’t too happy about it. I made it through the morning, threw up right before lunch, then did a little better. I only ate a peach in the morning, and then oatmeal (my normal breakfast), at lunch. I was trying to remain hydrated, and that seemed to help. I worked remotely more or less by myself to avoid further contamination. I finished up and left work about 20 minutes left in the shift, but I was already on OT since I’d gotten there early. Dave was feeling better by then, so he got both kids, and I went home, took some ibuprofen, since my body ached all over, then went to sleep. I slept until about 930pm, then woke up to eat some dinner. I went back to sleep around 11pm. Since I was feeling better, I couldn’t fall asleep right away. Many couples with fertility problems can be successfully treated utilizing a variety of clinical techniques combined with alternative healing methods. brand viagra pfizer No matter which disorder you talk about you can get erection whenever you want to in those 6 hours for sure. viagra canada cost cbs.tc Frequent prostate congestion may trigger noninfectious prostatitis with symptoms like low endurance, poor focus, fatigue, weak bones, infertility, depression, low libido and lower muscle mass. free cheap viagra Erectile dysfunction viagra without side effects is caused due to diseases and ignoring it can lead to more complications in your health. It didn’t stop me though, since the next thing I knew, our door was being opened, and Peyton told us her bed was wet. I’d changed it last time, so it was Dave’s turn. He went to change the sheets, and I fell asleep again. This morning, I feel better, but not 100%. Maybe like 90%. I took another ibuprofen, just to be sure, after I ate my breakfast. Peyton’s the only one who didn’t get what we got, which makes me believe it was food borne. We’d eaten at two potlucks over the weekend, and another coworker was having vomiting and diarrhea since Monday, so we suspect that may have been it. Peyton’s not as daring as Brandon, so she didn’t eat nearly as much as he did. Good for her for staying well. Too bad she couldn’t single-handedly take care of us all. We somehow seemed to stagger our recovery periods, so it worked out.

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