Almanac; PTA

Brandon was reading his National Geographic almanac for his homework reading, and he found the article entitled “What your favorite color says about YOU”. He was reading purple and thinking about his sister, since that is one of her favorite colors. The horoscope-like passage said, “If you like purple, you have great taste in anything from clothes to music to food…” He stopped and said, “That’s not true! She doesn’t have good taste in food.” I asked him to tell me why he thinks that way. He said, “She doesn’t even like mushrooms! And doesn’t like spicy food. She DOESN’T have good taste in food.” He had valid points, and I think he was trying to say she doesn’t like a wide variety of food, but he couldn’t come up with other foods she did not like. He named the mushroom because she had one in her dinner tonight, and she made the most horrific face when she saw it, saying, “I don’t LIKE mushrooms!” We convinced her to try it she didn’t even know what they taste like, since she’s never really eaten them before. She did take a bite, then repeated in disgust that she did not like mushrooms. But since she’d bitten into it, Brandon wouldn’t touch it. After dinner, Brandon saw me eating Dave’s wasabi pea trail mix. I don’t care for the peas, so I eat around them. The free viagra online medical professionals of Food & Drug administration act. In such cases one should seek help of couple counseling San Francisco you can get help in understanding what is the root cause cheap levitra of the problems in your sexual life and that is why today I am going to discuss about the hidden link between low libido and erectile dysfunction. If the answer is yes, then do you also have at least viagra cost four of the symptoms of prostate cancer. As a result, hemospermia caused by seminal vesiculitis patients. cialis on line australia He came over and asked for some, so I nonchalantly gave him all of my peas plus some of the other mix (cranberries, almonds and peanuts). Peyton quickly finished her dinner and asked for the same. Brandon warned her, telling her she didn’t like spicy food. But she ignored him, not wanting to miss out on what he was eating. Brandon, being the cruel big brother, told her to eat the pea first. She listened, while all three of us watched and waited. Sure enough, as soon as she bit down into it, her face got sour, and she spit it out. She then started wiping her tongue off on her sleeve, and whining, “I need water!” We all chuckled at her, and all of us said, “We told you so!” She quickly left the rest of the mix on her mat, and Brandon came to scoop up whatever wasn’t already in her mouth. She recovered and went on to do her homework 😉

Since we are card-carrying (not really) members of the PTA, Dave attended the meeting tonight to represent us.  They are allocating funds for the various programs, and I’m sure his program will be up tonight.  Also, the principal is discussing literacy, and the topic is how to choose appropriate books for a child’s reading level.  I am more interested in that versus the business side of running the school, so I asked him to gather intelligence on the subject.  Next week, at the middle school, there is a seminar on how to parent a strong-willed child.  We haven’t figured out who will go to that, but at least one of us will.  And for our efforts, pizza will be rewarded.  Maybe that’s how I can convince Dave to go!

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