Rest of the Birthday

I left work to go pick Brandon up. I got there with a few minutes to spare and ended up chatting with Brandon’s friends moms. Theo’s mom was telling me that she asked for Theo to be on the same team as Brandon. He was going to be moved up a level, but she decided to put him back in Brandon’s pioneer level instead. We were talking about the party on Sunday, and Josh’s and Theo’s moms were coordinating a carpool. They both weren’t sure the other was invited, so neither talked about it before, so it worked out we were all there together. We went to get our boys, and I saw all the kids had their books. They were all reading them on the way out! Glad they would get some use out of them. We walked back to the car, and Brandon told me he didn’t want Theo at his party, because he took his share toy away this morning. He also told me he threw it up on the roof, and that Theo had to go to the office. We went home so I could change. He opened all his presents that he’d received so far. He was super excited with all the gifts, then he headed to finish up his homework. While he did his homework, I found a note home from the school. He’d gotten a red card today. He had to write his own reason for it. Turns out the incident with Theo was more than just Theo going to the office. Apparently, Brandon went with him. He told me what happened, and that he tripped Theo for taking his toy. And Theo just threatened to throw it, and actually didn’t. Both had to write letters to one another, and both had a talking to by the principal. I told him, “Really? You got a red card on your birthday?” It put a damper on the mood a bit. He did tell the truth once I asked him about it. He wasn’t necessarily lying about earlier, but he was just not telling the whole truth. The threatened versus actually throwing over did not really come out until I read Theo’s note. The teacher also told me she’d send me an email later to explain what happened.  On a lighter note, I read through his “Birthday Book” that he’d received from his classmates.  Each child wrote a wish he/she would like for Brandon’s birthday.  There seemed to be a repeating theme of “I wish Brandon would get a pet cat/computer/chapter books” for his birthday.  I asked him why all his friends repeated one to three of those things.  He said, “Because that’s what I asked for.”  Huh.  Interesting.  Glad we got him one out of three of those things.  (Note: Dave is allergic to cats.  Hint: I just got my Scholastic book order in from school!).  He finished his homework, lunch, and then we headed out to return a gift that he’d gotten.
My gift to him was a pair of pants, since he’s blown two holes in two different pairs of pants. I told him I was going to get a pair of pants for him. He said, “Oh, so you’re going to get me two pants.” I had a hard time explaining why one pants equaled a pair already. It felt like a Laurel and Hardy routine, so I stopped. Dave had already gotten him fun toys, so I was trying to “teach him a lesson”. I wanted Bonnie’s gift to be fun, so he was required to pick a game. He shopped in the toy/game area for 30 minutes! Finally, we narrowed it down to a Cranium game or Jenga. I told him he had to work within the budget he was given, so those fit the budget. Finally, he picked Jenga. It was very similar to the Operation he’d gotten – good work on hand-eye coordination. We headed to get his free ice cream scoop as we have for the past two years. I told him he could taste two different flavors before having to select one. He picked a coconut/almond (I think it was called Coconutty) and a half the fat, no sugar added carmel turtle flavor. He then deliberated, acting like he was a judge on a cooking show, mulling the flavors around in his mouth. The scooper and I were both waiting for him to make a decision, and after a minute or so, he picked the turtle flavor. The flavor he was also considering was Daiquiri Ice. I convinced him he probably wouldn’t like that flavor, and he’d probably be wasting his pick. He picked the sugar cone to go on top, and we headed to a booth. I’d declined, along with brownies and chips today at work (yippee!) I did ask for another spoon and helped myself to a few spoonfuls. He is the sharing one, and didn’t mind me taking any from him. Today was the first day that his dessert-ban was lifted. So, I reviewed the importance of making good choices when it comes down to food. I’m not sure he was totally listening, though he looked like he was, but I think he was just thinking about how good his ice cream was. I think there were sugar alcohols in the ice cream, as there was a warning about consuming too much and causing diarrhea. Brandon asked, “If there is no sugar added, what’s the sweetness?” Again, the second time today that I didn’t give him an answer.  I asked him to pause a second before eating so I could get a picture.  Usually he’s so fast in doing everything, so he did honor my request.

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We got the kids home and in bed before 730 pm.  Before bed, I asked Brandon his 20 questions.  That will be the next post!

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