Full Moon

Today, Peyton didn’t sleep at naptime. This was a surprise, since there was no rainout in the morning that would have prevented her getting her energy out. The teachers blamed the moon or something. When I got home, she was fine. Then, Brandon came in, crying. Dave came in after, and I didn’t get a story from either of them. Finally, Brandon told me through sobs that his finger was smashed by another kid at CDC. He had the beginnings of petechiae at his fingertip on the middle finger. Fortunately, it was on his right hand. He was crying so much, I could barely get the story out. He just said that his finger ended up there, which we told him just couldn’t have happened. I told him I NEVER had my finger accidentally in a stapler, when someone else hit it. He was upset, but still managed to eat his food. Peyton was then picking at her food with her fingers, and had her food taken away. A man was thrown from his car and he was a brown belt. http://mouthsofthesouth.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/MOTS-08.13.16.pdf cheapest levitra Occupational therapists are given the opportunity to help children become more independent and take levitra cheap online part in managing the business and family. As far as Sildenafil pills are concerned, they are made with such a large number of various herbs to viagra in india combat the issue of erectile dysfunction. People overnight cheap viagra and animals have their own natural electromagnetic fields. This set off her tears. So, we had two kids crying their eyeballs out for different reasons. I think it was contagious, though Dave and I were amused. It was a chorus! I think they were trying to outdo each other. Finally, it calmed down, and we did homework with Brandon, while Peyton bathed. Brandon and I were working in the computer room, and Dave closed our door at 7pm. That meant Peyton was going down. We didn’t come out until 730 pm, and I was going to give Peyton a hug before going to the gym, but I didn’t make it in time. She was asleep already. Brandon was finishing up with Dave, when I left. As I was driving to the gym, I did see a full moon, hidden behind cloud cover. WOW. They turned into werewolves today!

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