Mommy School; Donations

Dave left for work almost the same time he leaves every day. I was challenged to find something for the kids to do, while trying to get over my cold. Last night, I’d stayed up to help Brandon with his literacy and fluency, so I printed out a bunch of worksheets. Only, I don’t want to just throw it at him, so I planned to give it to him as carrots when he misbehaves, offering them up instead of sentences. It’s my way of reverse psychology-ing him. So, the kids played in the morning while I cleaned up the house. Brandon is still in a screen-free period, for the rest of the week, so he played with Beyblades, while Peyton read “Flat Stanley” in her bed, aloud. I tried to help her from afar when she got stuck, but I was traveling from room to room. I had two errands out planned, so they were happy to leave the house to do that. By the time we returned, Brandon had “earned” some sentences. He seems to not be able to resist poking at and ridiculing Peyton in the car, leading to whining. He was happy to do worksheets, but he agreed to do so after lunch. I got them both lunch – another round of PB&J, broccoli, snap peas, and milk. Then Peyton was off for a nap, self-led, although I helped her turn on her music, while Brandon and I plowed through 10 worksheets. He even wrote my dad a thank you card for his walk-a-thon donation (more on that later). We’re not quite sure when Dave will get back, but I do want to take them out again to enjoy the nice weather this afternoon. The use of the name is reserved exclusively for its owner.A company that invents a new viagra free order drug can file a patent. Factors that are responsible to this dysfunction are mainly categorized into – Physical factors are responsible in many cases of erectile dysfunction which includes – Diabetes that is leading levitra consultation to nerve damage. Both commander viagra the teams deserve a place in the competitive market. By using a legitimate and licensed online pharmacy, such as viagra online australia

I had called my dad for a question about something today, then passed the phone to Brandon, who asked him for a sponsorship for his walk-a-thon. Last year, my dad donated before the fact, while this year, he was surprised to learn Brandon had already walked. We told him it was better so he knew how much he’d walked, and there were no surprises in terms of how much he walked. My dad asked him how much he wanted. Brandon said, “$10 per lap!” Aim high, my boy, aim high. Brandon also told him that he wanted $200 to get to Golfland. My dad replied it would be cheaper to just pay for him to go to Golfland 😉 (totally true) then to ask your parents for money. Then, he said he would just go in with my mom, for $20. Brandon asked nicely again, to see if HE wanted to donate. My dad wanted to hear the break down of what Brandon had received so far. So far: $1 per lap from each Mommy and Daddy, and $20 from my mom, and $20 from Dave’s parents. Brandon did his math in his head, and came up with the correct sum, adding each piece along the way. My dad said, “Okay, I’ll give you $63.” Brandon said, “Yay! $200!” Then I said, “No.” Brandon looked into the sky, as if the answer was there, then said, “Oh, no, $199.” My dad asked Brandon if he’d asked Peyton for a donation yet. So, Brandon turned to Peyton and asked her, “May I have a dollar?” Peyton said, “No.” Then Brandon said, “Okay, I’ll donate my own money.” My dad challenged him and told him he had to come up with his own donations. So, then Brandon said, “Okay, Peyton, I’ll give you 5 dollars, and you give me a dollar.” My dad started laughing, and then told Peyton, “Okay, Brandon’s going to give you 5 dollars, and you give him one, okay?” She again said, “NO.” Finally, she came around, and said, “Okay.” My dad then said, “Okay, I’m in.” (It’s like Shark Tank!) So my dad brokered a deal for Peyton to net $4 in exchange for Brandon going to Golfland, and his school getting a $200 donation! Win-win for everyone involved 😉

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