Late Game

Last night, Brandon had a baseball game scheduled, in lieu of one this weekend, since it’s a holiday weekend. I left work, picked Peyton up, then went home to change. I asked Peyton if she wanted to walk or drive. She said it was up to me. I chose walk. As soon as I said that, she said, “No, drive.” Too late, car was already in the garage. I changed, she went potty, and then we headed out. The game started at 530 pm, but I wanted to be there a bit earlier. We left the house a little before 5 pm, and then got there in time for warm-ups. Peyton enjoyed having a snack on the bleachers, as we were playing in the big field. She was a bit of a distraction to Brandon, who kept asking what she was eating. Dave almost hit us with the ball, and got a nasty look from me, as Peyton was sitting at the edge of the bleachers, backward. I was already worried about her falling off, let alone having her be hit with a fly ball. He scooted the boys over and continued throwing up pop flies, which the boys like to try to catch. They were doing a good job catching most of them, it was just that errant throw Dave had initially. The other coach’s younger kids showed up with their mom. Kai is 5, and Alana is 1.5 years old. Peyton enjoyed playing with both, though she was more tormenting Alana than playing nicely, so I had to supervise closely. The symptoms of poor blood circulation are irregular heartbeats, lack of stamina and energy, order discount viagra difficulty in breathing, burning or numbness in the body especially in legs and hands, bad memory, etc. Perhaps consider the 63 levitra on line sale regressing back up some of the more damaging stereotypes that we all have experienced. Your brain is the first organ that gets activated, which eventually passes on signals free viagra in canada to your penile organ to receive blood for an erection. Though the country does not use this resource as prevalently as wind or hydroelectric power, Canada is eyeing this renewable energy as yet another cost cialis viagra upon which to focus. Finally, she and Kai played tag on the grass, but he was much faster than she was, and she kept giving up. It was fun to see her interact with other kids, and I think having had the weekend with Katie and Kyle brought her out of her shell with “stranger” kids, though she’s seen Kai and Alana for a few months now that we’re almost done with baseball. I couldn’t watch the game as much as I’d like to, but Yvonne and I tried to trade off as much as possible watching the three kids. She’d brought them dinner, but I told her I was trying to hold out to eat afterward, though it would be late. The teams ended up going to 4 innings, since there was time, and no one was coming after we were done. That meant the kids got a lot of playing time. After the game was done, the coach handed out snack shack tickets. Brandon quietly handed me his without causing any attention from his teammates who ran to the snack shack. Dave praised him for doing a great job during the game, and listening appropriately. Instead of going to the snack shack, he helped Dave take down the bases and water the field down. We were the home team, and that’s our responsibility. Peyton was the one who had a fit that she wasn’t going to the snack shack. I told her she wasn’t really listening to me during the game, since I had to repeatedly ask her to sit and watch the game with me and leave Alana alone. She melted down in the parking lot, but we knew she was hungry. When she finally calmed down, we told her we were going to dinner. It was already 7 pm! We went to eat at ST per Brandon’s request, since he did a good job at the game. He didn’t get ice cream, but he was able to choose a muffin (he chose blueberry). We got them off to bed by 830 pm, and then I took off for some exercise!

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