Father’s Day

Today, I gave Dave the best father’s day ever – an hour alone at home 🙂 I took the kids with me on some errands, though Dave just took the time to do errands, too, so it wasn’t really his time. We met back at the house, and then we headed to lunch for a free burger for Dave! We went to the farmer’s market, then we came home to take naps. Brandon didn’t sleep, but watched baseball with Dave, asking him a million questions about batting average, walks, and some other rules about baseball that he’ll need to learn along the way. Dave got us up so we could head over to celebrate Father’s day with Coach Tom and his family. We headed over to their club to hang out at the pool. We walked in with another lady, and then we couldn’t find them right away. Kai spotted us, then the kids needed no warm-up as they went to play with Hana and Kai. Adult swim was happening in 5 minutes, so the kids had to wait about 20 minutes (15 minutes of adult swim) and then they all headed in. I was changed, but Dave ended up in there with them. The water was only 3 feet, so it was safer for Peyton. She was doing backflips underwater for the first time. She just threw her head back, under water, and then kicked herself around, and flipped herself over…herself. I was so surprised she even knew what to do! I don’t know if she saw someone else doing it, but I didn’t see anyone else doing it. She started drifting too far away to the 4 feet area, where the bigger kids were, and then she started getting into trouble. Dave pushed her back in the shallower area, and she was good again. She got out on her own, and came over to me to dry off. After everyone got out, they headed inside for some glitter tattoos. The dads were hanging out grilling the meat and corn, then hanging out after it was done. We headed back when the kids got their tattoos, and enjoyed Korean short ribs, corn, poke, fried rice, and California roll in a pan. Everything was so yummy! The kids then went to play on the structure, and they all played so well together. The two older ones are 7, though separated by a grade in school, then Kai is 5 while Peyton is 4. They eventually made their way back, and had fun with the bubbles we brought with us. We left around 7 pm, not even realizing it was so late! Hopefully with all that swimming they did, they will sleep quickly tonight.

Here are the pics that they kids wanted taken of their tattoos.  Both of them took careful baths and pulled up their sleeves after they put their jammies on for bed.
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