Update from the Teacher

Brandon’s teacher requested all the parents complete a form for her to get to know our children. I’d mentioned how Brandon needs to concentrate more on eating at lunch. I received an email today entitled, “Brandon’s Lunch Issues” and immediately forgot about my prior request and thought something happened today at school. I was delighted when I read the body of the email:
“Brandon has been a superstar with his participation, eagerness and overall learning. I have been just checking with him regarding his lunch, simple asking if he ate “most” of his lunch or not. He was very honest with me. Today, I had him try a bit of his fruits after lunch and explained to him how one needs some complex carbs to go through the day. I hope you won’t mind if I occasionally check with him. While we can not force, I think we can always encourage to keep up with healthy habits.
I thought of letting you know.
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I was so happy to see this, that I went back to his room after he’d gone to bed (I’d checked my email after the kids had gone to bed), and talked to him about it. He was a bit coy about it all, and then he was telling me about his day today. He told me they did a first grade review, and he was upset about getting one of the questions wrong. I’d never seen him care so much about school like that. Normally, if he gets something wrong, he just brushes it off, but this sounded like it bothered him. I told Dave about it, and Dave said that Brandon told him about it, too. I told Brandon it was okay, and that he was still learning. Dave wasn’t so forgiving. He just told him, “You have to pay attention and double check.” I’m curious to see what he missed.

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