My Bucket

Today, I went to read in Brandon’s class. I was given a huge garden bucket to wear, so I sat in my car for an hour to compose what I was going to present. I practiced with the book, and my props, then headed to Brandon’s class. I introduced myself, and explained to them that I’d be reading with them monthly and get to know them. Some of the kids I knew already, but over half I did not. The kids were all very attentive, and I think it’s because they were watching me in this ridiculously over-sized bucket. I’ve been coughing for the last few days, and miraculously, I had NO coughing in the 30 minutes I was there. I was afraid my nose would run, and that didn’t happen either. I was nervous about going in, but the kids made it go very nicely. Brandon avoided eye contact, or maybe I did, too. After I was done with my portion, I opened it up to Q&A. That’s when it can get dicey, since you never know what will come out of the mouths of babes. We were talking about being bucket fillers (positive comments) and bucket dippers (negative comments), in reading the book, “How Full is Your Bucket?” I then asked the group, “What can you do to stop someone from dipping into your bucket?” Brandon raised his hand, and said, “Put a lid on it!” I did re-affirm that was the right answer! The teacher stopped me and told me that they hadn’t learned that concept yet. Premature ejaculation treatment in delhi is not done in any specific centre, for this problem anyone can consult a urologist to find the cause behind it. buy generic levitra To take the frizz and dryness out of hair: Soak cialis online sales cup urad for 4 hours. So long as patients use the medicine exactly as prescribed by your doctor. cialis pharmacy But it was never as effective and safe treatment for erectile dysfunction. but many new customers always have certain doubts which prevents them from availing the cialis price benefits of this medication. so in this article is provided for informational purposes only and is not, nor is it ever intended to be, a substitute for professional medical advice or professional recommendations, diagnosis, or treatment. Brandon was my natural planted answer! And neither of us even knew it 🙂 So we talked about how to just walk away from negative comments or ignore them entirely so that negative comments don’t affect them. Or, to turn it around into something positive. When we were all done, the final comment was from the sweetest little girl who said, “You filled my bucket because you read to us today.” I almost burst into tears, after the kind of week I’ve had, and the anticipation I had coming into the room. I turned it around and told her that she filled MY bucket for having said that to me and sharing that with the class. The kids all took a “bucket filler gram” back to their desks to write to their friends. I helped them come up with nice things to say to each other, and they all wrote it down. The class gathered up again, and I gave them the task to go fill buckets, which is what I told them I tell Brandon on occasion. I’ve told him to go fill 10 buckets in one day to see what he can do for others.
Then, I got home, and I was cleaning up. On the table was the note Peyton had written for me while I was making her dinner on baseball Wednesday. I hadn’t had a chance to look at it since I’d been so busy.
Here it is:

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