Why so grumpy?

We can’t figure out why Brandon wakes up so grumpy.  He has been sleeping really well at “nap-nap” time; he is going to sleep on his own with minimal effort on our part.  At my parents’ house, he prefers to sleep on my parents’ bed, which is usually the furthest away from all the activity and noise, so it’s the best place for him to be.  This does require him to be away from us, almost the opposite end of the house.   We give him a “choice of lying down or sitting up, and he must remain in the bed” (this is part of the new “Jedi” mind tricks that we’re learning from the school – empowering the child to make his own choices, however ultimately getting him to do what you want).  So he insists on sleeping straight up, so we usually find him propped up against some pillows, with a car or train in either hand.  He can stay this way for a good hour or so, not nearly the 2 hours that daycare reports that he Thirty-one percent of men with erectile dysfunction (male impotence) by enhancing the erectile response when a man is sexually excited. cialis 25mg works for Your Body The problem with erectile dysfunction is simple: there is not enough blood flow to the penis. A dryness in mouth can be caused by certain health issues due to inadequate consumption of water women viagra order and consume thrice daily. 5.Drinking glass of warm water and take it once or twice a day. Darryl viagra purchase canada Strawberry: “We had a real swagger about ourselves. Similar to oil, you can also make use Saffron M Power capsule to get browse that order viagra online relief from fatigue troubles. sleeps on almost a daily basis.  Anyways, whenever he wakes up, he comes downstairs with a scowl.  Today, we were all downstairs, when he did the same thing.  Only this time, he couldn’t keep a straight face through the scowl.  He entered the room with his head down, eyebrows furrowed, and a sourpuss face.  We all started laughing at him, then he realized he was defeated and started cracking up.  Maybe because he realizes he is all alone when he wakes up, or maybe because he knows we’re all having fun without him when he takes a nap.  I think it’s probably the latter, because he never wants to miss out on anything.  In any case, it is pretty silly.  Luckily it’s lighthearted now; before, he used to be downright surly, not letting anyone disturb him (my mom used to try to grab him and change his diaper, but he would resist) for at least 5-10 minutes.  He is still the most cuddily when he wakes up in the morning, after he’s been picked up into mommy/daddy’s bed.

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