Whole Lotta Nothin’

So we’re on baby watch around here, and this morning, around 525am, I started having mild contractions.  I didn’t bother waking up Dave, I just wanted to see how far apart they were.  I casually checked, and they were about 7-8 minutes apart.  I woke him up around 7am or so, just to tell him.  We then started keeping track more seriously.  He got up around 730am to take a shower, thinking something may happen.  By this time, Brandon was up.  Dave had wanted me to call my mom to come down and be around for Brandon.  I didn’t want to cry wolf, so I delayed making the call.  They were pretty much consistently 8 minutes apart, again, very mild.  Dave asked if I was going to take a shower, which I thought I’d better do it then, just in case.  Dave went out to buy some milk (we were out) and refill our water.  I called my mom in the meantime.  It seemed that after taking a shower and then calling my mom, the contractions decreased in frequency.  I told Dave he jinxed the process!!  I did Bone issues, for example, osteoporosis because pressure breaks in the spine, treat the spinal discs, reduce muscle spasms and improve muscular strength. viagra for women price It is not identified that most males who have an erectile dysfunctional issue.Never try performing any task that needs cialis best buy a lot of concentration after consuming Kamagra Polo.Kamagra Polo should not be taken along with any other drug without consulting a doctor. Primary causes include poor flow, low testosterone, vascular harm and the order levitra maturing procedure. The medical experts recommend consuming the medicine and sexual intercourse is 30 cialis 10 mg loved that minutes to 4 hours. continue to have contractions ALL day long.  I slept a little bit mid-morning, having woken up too early, to count these “pseudo” contractions.  See, for us, we really don’t know what to expect, having been induced the first time.  So now we’re like the anxious first-time laborers, not knowing what to do or when to call.  But now everyone is on alert, my dad, my grandma, my mom’s friends she was to have lunch with tomorrow.  Alas, nothing more than mild contractions.  Dave likens it to when I was just hanging out in the hospital last time.  I guess it is better being at home.  Right before Dave checked out for the evening, he said we should just give up counting altogether, since it was proving to be fruitless.  Apparently, Baby Sister is very obedient, for as soon as Dave said that, contractions ceased.  I think Dave is trying to sabotage her coming out – power of suggestion or something.  I should be walking more than I am.  Looks like Baby Sister didn’t make it for New Year’s, but we wish a Happy New Year to all!

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