We have landmark birthdays, so Peyton has been counting down this 5th birthday for some time now. We had attended Kavya’s birthday at the gym in November. After that, Peyton said she wanted to have hers there, too. We’d just put a deposit down for Chuck E Cheese, but since she had so much fun, we decided to blow the deposit and book the gym. Since she’d seen how the party with Kavya went, I had to remind her that’s how the guest of honor is treated – she goes first, she goes in the middle, and she demonstrates the activities for all her friends. Peyton balked when I told her she’d go in the middle of the parachute. She said she didn’t want to. I had to be firm and told her that we couldn’t have her party there if she didn’t want to participate. Kavya attends as regular gymnastics, so she was well-versed and comfortable. Even in November I was gearing her up for center stage. She was willing if that meant she could have it there. We’d also been to Mckayla’s party, and she graciously greeted each guest and thanked them for gifts as they arrived. Peyton was there and watched how Mckayla did it. Again, that was in November. I left it alone for December, but once I sent the invitation out, I brought it up again. She seemed to warm to the idea and was excited about it. This week, I really turned it on. We talked about it every day, and she was eagerly counting down days. In fact, she was so tired of me nagging her, she’d say, “I KNOW!” when I’d bring it up. She’s said that before, so I wasn’t sure if she was just saying it to make me stop talking, or if she really was going to go through with it. This morning, we arrived a little later than I’d planned, and there were some people arriving. Peyton met Connor, who was bringing a gift that looked just as big as he is! Peyton did greet him quietly, and then put the gift in the bin. Keira and Chase were there early as well, but I forgave Peyton as they rarely see each other. She did say some kind of greeting to each of them. I took off to help upstairs, while Peyton and Brandon hung out with my mom downstairs. As it was party time, then host, Robby, came downstairs to wrangle kids. Peyton was just taking her shoes and socks off, and he startled her by asking her to come up. I told her to look up, and he told me it was okay. I think he sensed she was a bit shy, but she listened to his requests. He teased her a bit, but she was totally game and willing to go and do what he’d asked. The first round was free play in a smaller area with trampolines, rope climbs, and some bars. Peyton was comfortable, but she kept following Brandon around. He was her security blanket, which I did think was kind of sweet. After the initial round of free play, Robby took the kids over to the main area for parachute play. The moment of truth was coming. All the kids were encircled around the parachute, holding a tail, when Robby asked Peyton to come to the middle. She listened and went to the center! This is BIG for her. HUGE! She’s standing in the middle of a whole group of her friends and family, and she’s okay with it! Soon, Robby took the pressure off by inviting various other kids inside the circle with Peyton. Then, he split the group up, and the smaller kids went to the foam block pit, while the older kids went down the trampoline. Robby was great in knowing the kids’ names, though they all had name tags. I stuck with the older kids on this one, as Peyton and Brandon were grouped together. Peyton was first down the trampoline, and again, she did as she was asked, with a smile on her face, no less! She was having so much fun! After they were done there, then they switched sides. The big kids went for the blocks, while the younger ones were on the trampoline. They had fun throwing themselves off the ramp, though some were more hesitant than others. Brandon and Peyton had no problems throwing themselves off the ramp. The last time she did this at Kavya’s, she turned to the side to gauge how fast her counterpart was running, and turned it up trying to out-run them. It’s so much safer to see her run full-speed on mats versus out on the concrete as she normally tries to run. After that, the kids were gathered around so that Peyton could make a speech. Robby put his hands through Peyton’s and talked through her. She was a good sport about it. Then, he used her to demonstrate the obstacle course. She did great! She even did her forward rolls on demand, even though she hadn’t been in gym for a couple of years! Then, he let them go, and all the kids got to go through the course. They were nearing the end of the play time, so he opened up the floor for the kids to be free again. Then, he gave them all instructions to put their shoes and socks on, wash hands, then line up. All the kids followed the rules, and we met them upstairs for pizza. The party hosts were fantastic! They took care of everything from our car to set up. And so efficient, too! They even told us we shouldn’t help at all, as that’s why they were there, and we should just enjoy and relax. It was so great! My mom even told Robby how she used to do trampolines in high school, and he told her to come join in with the adult classes! The kids ate their pizza, with the exception of Peyton, who only ate a few pieces of fruit, and declared she was done. She said she wasn’t hungry anymore. I later suspected that she didn’t want to eat as I’d told her to keep her clothes clean. I’d just gotten her the new birthday outfit on Friday, and it was mostly white. Dave thinks it was because she was so nervous. Either way, she just wanted to stand next to me and hold my hand. I didn’t want her to be so clingy, so I asked her if she wanted to sit with my mom. She was happy to do that and survey the party from the bleachers. We wrapped up with food, and then it was cake time. Peyton stood in front of the cake as Robby asked, then he gave the instructions to the kids to stand around the cake. He turned off the lights (bad for my video), and the singing commenced. When he turned the lights on, we took a quick family picture, then she got to the business of eating her cake. My mom happened to mention the tutu, and I’d totally forgotten it! I asked her if she’d wear it, and when she lit up and nodded, I grabbed it, interrupted her cake-eating, and put her in it. She went back to her cake before being interrupted again by saying goodbye to her first guest to leave. She handed Nico and Kavya their party favors. Robby made a quick announcement, and then Peyton went to distribute party favors and say goodbyes. I grabbed her cake to make sure it wasn’t tossed, and then brought it with me to the favor table. Again, hosts had prepared everything in an easy fashion to distribute the favors. Peyton wanted to hand-deliver the gifts to the kids. She did say goodbye when prompted, and a “thank you for coming” or something to that extent. After she’d given the favors out, we went downstairs to the cars. I fed her her cake to make sure she didn’t get it all over, especially in the car, then we headed out. As they were getting into the car, since it was warm, her balloon popped. She was so upset, but she quickly recovered. My mom drove home with us, with my dad following. Dave and his parents had already set out. My dad was interested in getting home for the game, and I think he’d been keeping up with the first game. Peyton agreed to a nap, while Brandon played quietly. I told her she couldn’t open up gifts until she napped, so I guess that’s why the “agreement”. She woke up right before kick off, which was a good thing as I don’t think she could sleep during the game. As promised, she opened up gifts, while I wrote down her list. After she was done, we told her, “Your birthday is over!” She burst into tears! STILL sensitive. Then, as I was checking my phone, one of her friend’s mom had emailed me to tell me that she’d left a present at the door. She didn’t want to ring the door bell. They live nearby, and they’d forgotten the gift. So, I told Peyton to go open the door and see what was there. She cheered up, and ran to the door for one more present. She opened that one, then soon my grandma came over. She handed her a red envelope, and Dave said, “The party continues!” We had dinner at home, with almost 20# of pulled pork that Dave had been roasting. After dinner, she opened two more presents from my aunt and uncle. The kids each got to eat one of the cookies I’d decorated for the party – Brandon his “B” and Peyton selected a sea shell. (I’d made sea horses, “P”s, “5”‘s and sea shells to go along with her theme). After they ate it, they went to get ready for bed. They got to stay up until 8 pm, watching The Little Mermaid that Peyton had gotten for Christmas. It capped off her Ariel-themed day. While we were brushing teeth, I told her, “Now, your birthday is over. You’ll have to wait again until next year.” She was smiles by this time, since it was just the two of us, and she said, “And then I’ll be 6.” As she was walking back to her room, she continued, “And then 7, and then 8, and then 9, and then 10…” I stopped listening at that point, not even imagining that far down the road.
Here are the pictures we took today:
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