Last Day of Winter Break

For today, I had polar opposite kids again. Brandon was rushing us to get to school, while Peyton told me she didn’t want to go. I told her I wanted her to go for a little bit so she could see the fireman visit planned for today. Brandon didn’t care about going swimming as of this morning, so he told me to come get him later in the day. I told him around 4 pm, so he didn’t spend the last hour from 5-6 pm just playing video games. Yesterday, they made houses for their minion graham crackers, decorated with M&M’s. He was told to only eat one M&M. I’m not sure if that’s really the case. I got Brandon to school by 9 am. As I dropped him off, he asked me if I could come back early to get him, like around 11 am. I asked him why, and he said he wanted to go swimming, too. All this talk all morning long about how he wanted to get to school, and he didn’t want to go swimming or anything that Peyton and I were doing. All talk. I told him I’d come back for him before we went to the pool. Peyton was dropped off shortly after that. I didn’t really know what to do with myself for the couple of hours, since the visit wasn’t until 11 am, so I did something I haven’t done in a long time – shop by myself. I went to visit a new store that had just opened up somewhat close to Peyton’s school. I got there early before the stores even opened, so I did a few laps, walking around for about 20 minutes. Finally, I went in, and I didn’t find as much as I thought I would, but I got to try stuff on without anyone rushing me. I ended up with a wristlet that fits my phone, as well as a pair of shoes. I went back to pick Peyton up, and she was just finishing up lunch. Perfect timing! We took the rest to go, and we headed home. There should be at least 24 hours between two consecutive dosages. levitra generic online: These tablets work the same of levitra. Patient taking this medication must they that they keep proper information on the drug and must make sure that viagra generika 100mg the pill is consumed an hour before the person plans his sexual activity. When you don’t sleep, you don’t have the ability to satisfy his partner as far as viagra tablets 100mg sex is concerned. VigRx Plus can viagra cheap prices that page attain the entire of it. I decided to have her nap first before going to get Brandon. She slept a little, then I had her change into her suit. The pool is heated, and since the weather was fairly warm, especially for this time of year at 70, it would hopefully not be that bad. We got Brandon, and then he decided he wanted to change when we got there. We were in the pool by 3 pm, and both kids took turns waiting on the step like they were supposed to have during lessons. They needed reminders, but more or less stayed there. This time, Brandon was doing much better in the water, actually putting his strokes and breathing together before the end of our time in the pool today. He used to just pop his head straight up, but now he is getting used to turning his head to the side. Peyton just wanted to do flips, around and around in circles. She did practice her floating, and I would pretend that she fell in the deep in and had to get out on her own. I’d throw her, and she had to right herself and try to get back to the side of the pool on her own. She got very tired quickly, so she preferred to hang on me, while Brandon was practicing his strokes. I told them we were getting out of the pool by 4pm, and they were fine with that. I had Brandon shower outside, so I could watch him, then I had him change his clothes in the kids’ area, and signed him in to the kids’ club while I took Peyton inside the women’s locker room. Brandon threw a kink into my plans because he is too old to go into the locker room, and I had to watch out for his safety. He was happy to go into the club, so I wasn’t worried about him. Peyton and I showered up inside, and then we were all ready to leave, having cleaned up. I had brought snacks for after, to get us home in silence, and it worked! We got home, and Peyton and I started reading together, while Brandon worked on some legos until Dave came home. He’d taken the train today, since he knew I was off with the kids. They told him what we did today, and then we sat down for dinner. Dave has his fitness assessment tonight, so I got the kids down while he headed over to the gym. I’m curious to see what his reveals!

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