L.I.G.; Parnell?; Caring Sister; Punching Game

Yesterday, while we were driving in the car, Peyton asked me for Frozen. Then, as I was finding the beginning, to start at “Ice”, she said, “Can I have L.I.T.? I mean, L. I. G.?” I paused for a second, then got it. She giggled, and then when she heard it play, she said, “Yes! Thank you.” When I shared with Dave about the story, he didn’t get it. I started singing the first part of the song, he STILL didn’t get it! Clearly he doesn’t spend any time around 5 year old girls. I don’t think my version is so unrecognizable, too, in my defense!
We were watching the Mets play the Bluejays tonight. The Mets were pitching, and Brandon said, “Oh, that’s Bobby Parnell!” Dave and I looked at each other, and did confirm it was a “Parnell” but didn’t know his first name. Brandon said, “Yeah, I’m sure, I have his baseball card!” Peyton’s getting in on it, too as she collects them after her baseball games. She whined the other day, “Mommy, Brandon stole my Ryan Howard.” I told her she had a Ryan Howard in her room. She said, “No, but I have TWO Ryan Howards!” Meanwhile, Brandon was laughing, so I knew he was in the wrong.
I think Peyton is such a caring sister. I brought Brandon with me to pick her up, while Dave stayed in the car. We visited Ms Tarez, since it’s been since a long time since Brandon’s seen her. He talked to her about the walk a thon, and the number of laps he walked. When we were walking back to the car, she asked him, “Brandon, how was walk a thon?” Brandon said, “Bad.” Haha..because by this point, he was hobbling back to the car. Peyton must have noticed, because as were walking back up the big step into the playground, which Peyton’s fallen on many times, she told Brandon, “Watch your step!” I was carrying all kinds of bedding and clothes, so I didn’t hold either of their hands, but it was a good thing that she did warn him, as I couldn’t have carried him back to the car 🙂
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While we were at PMH, there were four TV’s on, each with something different.  The kids pointed it out, and Peyton said, “Look, there’s baseball, basketball, soccer, and the punching game.”  I turned around to look at the TV behind me, the closest to us, and it was BOXING!  DOH. Dave told them not to watch, but it was the closest to us.  They were fascinated.

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