Last Tourney Recap

We didn’t have a game until 1230 pm Saturday, so there was no rush for us. We hung out and watched the last day of camp.

Peyton had camp for the rest of the week. Dave stayed just a little bit on Wednesday, as he thought it was pitching and catching. I took Peyton myself on Thursday, when there was pitching and catching.

Friday was a disaster, as she was doing puzzles in the car, and when I pulled off the freeway, she was looking ill. She told me she was going to be sick, but there was nothing for her to puke in. She had it in her mouth for awhile, then I quickly gave her my half filled water bottle. She puked a bit in there, but also quite a bit on herself. She had two layers of clothes, her sun long sleeve shirt, and her tshirt. I gave her wet wipes to wipe herself off. She had to get it off the seat belt, too. It was so gross. I ended up taking her tshirt and washing it off in the sink in the bathroom, while she washed her pants off. Good thing she was all in black, so there were no stains. She would dry quickly as well since it was all dry-fit material. She didn’t want to attend, but since it was the last day, I wasn’t letting her out of it. She stood further away from the other girls; I could tell on purpose. She did look fine though, participating in everything.

Here are some of the highlights:

lefty batting, and running to third.

live batting

pitching against her friend, Hannah.

Her turn to bat:

Every day she’s hustling:

Thursday, they had practice with water balloons and slip and slides.

Here’s that:
Each girl got 3 balloons to hit –
Slow mo balloon #1

Slow mo balloon #2

Balloon #3

From a contest she won earlier in the season, she got to select a coach to target:

Head first slide:


Saturday, we headed out to the tournament right after 8 am. She was ready to go and changed herself right away.
She did fall asleep on the drive up, and just before TI, Dave cursed loudly. He said “we” forgot her bat bag. We turned around just at TI, so we didn’t have to pay for toll, but still, we paid in time.

We got home just after 9 am, and Peyton awoke to find out we were at home. We went up a different way, but we still made it in time for warm ups, by 1130 am, for game time at 1230 pm.

She struck out twice in the first game. She did recover the second game, as their pitcher wasn’t as good, and they didn’t field as well. She got to hit off of Dave:

She pitched:

And got a few strikeouts:
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Ran out a bunt:

Another K:

The girls didn’t finish up until almost 8 pm. They all still wanted to swim, and luckily, the weather was conducive for that. They earned it. The girls all got in the pool and they were still competing. They were competing to see who could swim back and forth the fastest. Then, they just had fun and swam around with each other. They got out of the pool at 10 pm, when it closed, but we stayed in the patio area to eat dinner. We left just before 11 pm, but the dads hung out and drank some more. We didn’t have to play until 1230 pm, so we had plenty of time. Breakfast was served in the morning. We all got up and went out before 830 am, and then headed out to get coffee and warm up. It was still hot out there, in the high 80’s.

Here are the K’s from Sunday:

They won the first game 11-1.
She pitched the first two innings.The tournament only allowed 2 innings per each pitcher in a 4 inning game. If the game were extended, then the original pitcher could come in. She started warming up during the 3rd inning, and the two opposing coaches protested in unison. She just didn’t know she wasn’t pitching.

Laid down another bunt:

Off dad:

Just a meeting with the coaches:

Hannah and Peyton 

Coach Kaycee Cox 

Coach Cierra helped with pitching 

Coach Dorian Shaw 

Girl and the Fig

Cheese and meat plate 

Short servants! 

Brandon with the Mahs.  

Camp so far

Softball camp started Monday. She drove with me, and Dave followed behind and showed up with breakfast later. He stayed for the morning session, leaving about 11 am for a meeting at noon. There were four other parents who stayed all day long. One was staying in town from the Stockton area, and he brought a pop up canopy, which we gladly helped him set up, as it was in the mid-80’s or 90’s. We all sat together and were the peanut gallery for the session. We know all each other’s kids names, and we cheered for them all. The guy from out of town has a daughter who is 8 turning 9, and she is well-matched with Peyton. They found each other for one of the games, and they got along well! There was another girl from an opposing team that was wearing her jersey. Peyton said she remembered her playing 2nd base. They worked well together as well, but the rest of the 6-9’s, when they were split up, were still very green compared to those three.

here are her highlights:

First tee work in the morning:

Out of the infield on coach pitch:

Hitting and fielding drill:


They broke for lunch, and I ate the rest of breakfast. The kids had pizza. And later, she told me fruit snacks. Not real fruit.

After lunch, they did a few more drills, then they moved to a scrimmage. They took the 6-9 year olds and moved them to the field hockey field next door. We walked over with them to continue to watch. Peyton, throughout camp thus far, has not volunteered that she is a pitcher. They ask about what each of the girls’ primary position is, and she refuses to say pitcher. She will volunteer that she is a short stop. I have no idea why. So, two girls who were more eager than she stepped up to be pitcher.

And this happens as a result:

Then she waited long enough to get a coach pitch:

Yesterday, she asked if she could go to sleep right after we got home. I had her shower up, and then we practiced piano. Dave came home and we went out to eat sushi before she was able to go to sleep.

Therefore these serious cardio vascular cialis 20 mg symptoms remain undetected which could lead to low libido or loss of desire. It is the same ingredient and in the same quantity as that of the trademark levitra generika 40mg . Numerous items that you can buy are analyzed and still have failed in regards to just what was initially stated on a ingredients label. generic viagra on line If identified early, the risk can be managed properly, cialis without prescription link preventing any kind of complications. This morning, we all went together. He wanted to stay for an entire practice. I asked if Peyton could play with the older kids for scrimmage, and the coaches said they would be changing up the format. I was telling them that she preferred to be with the older kids.
She again was separated for throwing and catching drills. She matched up with Bailey, from the other team, and they threw together. Then, they combined with Olivia (the catcher from Stockton) and another girl for a relay throwing game, and they smoked their competition. They had to be timed against themselves to improve, since it was not a fair fight against the other girls. Later, Peyton suddenly ended up with the big girls, along with Olivia. We weren’t sure if she snuck over, if she was told to go, or if she asked. (This evening, she told us she asked).

Here she is throwing around the horn:

They had more drills, then they broke for lunch. Dave and I walked over to the student athletic food area. I had breakfast for lunch, while Dave had a turkey meal! We walked back and brought it back to the field to eat in the shade. The girls came back after Subway sandwich. Olivia’s dad reported that the younger girls, Peyton included, were all eating together, while the mom that was up with us had a kid and her friend eating in a tree. Olivia’s dad told us that Olivia told him last night that while they were eating gummy snacks, both she and Peyton did not like one particular flavor. So they would eat that one at the same time together and make faces at each other while doing so. The dad was happy that she was making friends at camp!

They came back to scrimmage, and this time, the older kids went to the field hockey field, while the young ones stayed to hit off a tee. Peyton hit her first off the end of her bat, as that was where she was setting up. Dave got her attention, and then positioned her for her next shot:

She got all of that one!

They ended in a base running drill for speed, relaying against the other half of camp:

She came up to us after camp, walking up with Olivia, Hannah, and Kelsey, all the kids of the parents who were together. I guess they can all come together knowing their parents are intently watching over them. She did say she is having fun.

Dave asked her about a few times the coaches pulled her to the side. We wanted to know what they had to say to her, and to definitely make sure it wasn’t disciplinary, though we had been watching the whole time for that, and doubted it. She said once the coach told her “nice scoop” on a fielding drill. The other time, the coach asked her during swinging drills, “Who helps you with your swing?” Dave thought he heard, “My coach”, but it turns out the coach asked, “Your coach?” And then Peyton answered, “Yeah.” So it was a bit wrong for the FB post, but it was the same sentiment. Dave wanted the credit, and I told her how much more impressive it was to tell them that Daddy was the one who taught you for FREE versus hiring a coach for it.

Smallest size: XS 
Hanging with the coaches at a break. With Olivia.  

Tourney Recap RP

This past weekend was a “travel” weekend. Peyton was asked to play for the other team, but they were all staying at a hotel about 1.5 hours away. Brandon had basketball on Friday, so I picked them up from camp, after walking for 2.5 hours with Alexa, catching up. We met for coffee, then proceeded to walk for 2.5 hours, or 18,000+ steps. We were walking around the middle school track. Saturday morning, we woke up early, by 630 am, to get out of the house by 7 am. We were at my dad’s house by 730 am, and we dropped Brandon off there. We headed to the city for coffee, before crossing the bridge and heading to the tournament city. We stopped at Dick’s to get 20% off. They were offering a coupon for 20% off if you bring a child fully dressed in uniform. We got another cart, and a few supplies before heading to the park. We were one of the earlier teammates to arrive. We had three games to play, 1230, 330 and 5 pm. The first two games were lost, but the last game was won, giving us a 3 (out of 4) seed in our half of the bracket. It was blazing hot, though not as hot as it had been earlier in the summer. She made thank you cards for her coaches on this team along with a pack of seeds which this team seems to go through like water:

We played a team that we’d beaten earlier in the summer in FC.

This tournament, the coaches were giving Peyton signs of how and where to pitch. She was finding her target a lot better this tournament, and mostly giving the coaches what they’d asked for. She was able to let it rip on 0-2 counts, but she did hit one batter, which is what Dave was afraid of when you’re not conservative. But she was able to get the ball inside, outside, and up, along with the right down the middle both fast and slower. She had a fast speed, and then the next pitch, she immediately slowed it down. I’m not sure if she did it on purpose with intent, or it just kind of happened that way. But she got the strikeout!

She made a play at pitcher, and the umpire gave her a coupon for a snack at the snack shack!

This was one of the first tournaments where she got hit. Right in the back.

She later showed me the mark on her back, in the shape of a ball.

After the two losses Saturday, the coach told the girls to get it together for the 3rd game. They were threatening taking swimming away, but the girls battled back. Peyton pitched for two innings, with 3 strike outs. She also hit well

We had a hotel room in SF, but since they’d won, we went to Target to get her a swimsuit and food to take to the team hotel to celebrate. She changed in her friend’s room with my help, and then jumped in with her friends. I still was nervous with so many kids in the pool, so I stayed close by, while Dave was chatting with the dads.

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We had burgers and dogs, and the kids all ate together. We took over the hotel pool and front area. Luckily, the staff didn’t mind. We closed the day down there, brushed her teeth, and then drove back to our own hotel. We showered up and then went to sleep just past 10 pm. We had the 8 am game, so we set the alarm for 530 am.


She got up without too much of a problem. SHe didn’t want to eat much; we got her a breakfast sandwich, but she only drank her steamed milk. The Sunday morning game was so close, going into extra innings since it was tied at the end of time. She was only able to pitch two innings if it was done in 1:10, but she could pitch extra and unlimited beyond that. They did an international tiebreaker at the 6th inning, meaning there was a runner put at second. She had a few chances of shutting down the game earlier, but she did pull it out in the end.

She also did it on offensive with the go ahead run being hit in.

We had a long gap until the next game at 2 pm. Dave made his way to the brewery, which wasn’t even open until 11 am. He stood in line by 1015 am ,while I took Peyton to the bookstore for potty and shopping. We browsed and then got two books, one for each kid. We walked back to wait in the sun with Dave. It was hot, but he was happy to get his beer.

21 and over gets a stamp. Those under get capt America or hello kitty. 

We went back to the game, and Peyton had fallen asleep in the car.

 She slept for over an hour in the air conditioned car in the parking lot of the park. It was in the high 90’s, and we were trying to keep her cool. She woke up refreshed and joined the team who were trying to keep cool in the shade. The final game wasn’t the best turnout, but they did their best. They lost 5-3, which was so close! Peyton pitched again, but without warm ups as she was napping. I recorded 5 strikeouts in her innings pitched in the quarter final game.

We headed home after that game, and she took another nap (her third for the day). We woke up at Fenton’s, on National Ice cream day! We waited about 20 minutes, less than the beer, for $1.23 black and tans (caramel and chocolate with vanilla and toasted almond ice cream). We told Peyton it was so sweet that she didn’t have to finish it, but that we could bring it back home and she could save it. Half way through or even less, she tapped out and put it back in her cupholder. We did the same with ours.

We made it home, and then we all showered up. She had to get ready for softball camp!

Here are the pictures:

Sunday recap

The team played in the number 1 seed at 1 pm on Sunday. We arrived early to beat the traffic and eat breakfast.

We headed out to the field just after 1130 am as Brandon reminded us we were on snack duty. I’d bought yogurt tubes and had frozen them, but totally left everything behind. They came out strong to play for their first game. We spotted the other team 2 runs at the beginning of the first inning.

Then, we were up to plate. Peyton was third up.

Then, the pitching began:

We ended up winning 9-2 this game.

The kids got 20 minutes, enough to potty and eat the snack that we bought – oranges, pirate’s booty, and water.

Here’s her first at-bat:

Good thing she is fast when she wants to be.

Here is the pitching from the last game.

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Unfortunately, the rest of the team was not as successful at bat, and when Peyton was playing short stop, there were snow ball fights. Unfortunately, when we went down 4-0 in the first inning with one of our less experienced pitchers, the girls started to get down on themselves. The parents got mad and were yelling at the girls. Peyton was rattled and per Dave was crying at her position. She couldn’t recover from a few mis-thrown balls to first base. Later she told us she was crying because she was upset at hearing parents yelling at her.
They ended up losing by 11-0 or something like that.  Peyton was awarded the tournament game ball for two home runs and defenseive plays made. We stayed for the final 10 u game, which they won.  It was going to take over an hour to get back so we waited out the traffic by eating dinner. 

While driving home, peyton was chatting with us a bit before suddenly saying, “Good night!” 

And that was it. No more Peyton. Brandon stayed up with us to talk more until we got home. It was after 10 pm!  

Scouting our opponent 

Meeting at the plate. 

Ball in flight 

Award ceremony. 

My favorite #22

Spectator reward 

Videographer reward 

friends from the rockets in 8u, grey storm fall ball 10u, tri city (two different teams based on grade level) and now Shockwave! 

Fourth of July

Monday, the kids went to their classes while I went to work. We both picked them up after 1 pm then went to a small lunch before shopping for shoes, since Peyton lost hers.

She went to her class, but somehow she only came home with one shoe.

We then met up with Josephine, Charlie and Brooklyn for a pizza meal. The kids had their games to keep them entertained while the adults caught up a bit.

The kids got to stay up a bit later, since we had had an early dinner. We knew we’d be sleeping in on Tuesday anyway, since it was a low key day.

Tuesday we hung around the house before heading out for indoor entertainment. Since we spent so much of the weekend in the sun, we wanted to take reprieve in the shade. We went to play games at the Dave and Busters after making one big loop through the mall. We then headed to the other mall to walk around, which we hadn’t done in a long time. We came home for dinner, but Dave had been checking for SJ Giants tickets all day long. Four finally popped up, 30 minutes after the start of the game. The kids had already showered, but we told them to change back into warmer clothes and we headed out.
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We had obstructed view tickets down first base line in the bleachers. We had arrived by the 5th inning, and we did see one former major league player, Conor Gillespie. The giants were playing the Dodgers affiliate, and it was a low scoring game. After the game was done, they turned the lights off in the stadium, and fireworks started just before 10 pm. They went about 15 minutes, and I could tell Peyton was fading. She had covered her ears and was just watching from under the blanket.

We headed home, and the kids went to sleep. Glad we did get to see fireworks for the 4th!

Picture time:

Championship Sunday

Peyton’s new team finished Saturday 2-0-1 and were headed into the bracket play as the second place team. They played first at 1045 am, meaning we were on the field by 945 am. That meant we had time to practice piano first before heading out. We still had time for coffee and breakfast. They played a team that was beatable, and they got out to an early 3-0 lead. Peyton started out pitching and had a few strikeouts.

I started to record her at-bats when she would reach 2 strikes.

In the end, I recorded 5 strikeouts, with her pitching 4 innings for the day.

If you cipla tadalafil too have problem keeping or maintaining erections in the bed. Fortunately, pharmaceutical companies have realised the problem at tadalafil professional cheap the time of sexual response cycle and so don’t allow the man and the couple to have sex. Another symptom is the need to empty the bladder best price on levitra often during the day. In extreme cases, the testicles can be surgically removed in a procedure go right here effects of cialis called an orchiectomy. And one put out at first:

She hit well this day, much better than the previous day.

She homered in the first game.

And this in the second game:

But as she was rounding third base, as the other team was throwing the ball around, the third base coach pushed Peyton toward home with a shout to run home. She was called out due to coach interference. If he had not touched her, she would have had her second homer of the day. Unfortunately, it was during the second game, and we were down three runs. So we didn’t get the score and there was an out that we shouldn’t have gotten. Peyton took it well. She said she didn’t know what was going on. We ended up losing 10-7, and that mean we tied for third in the tourney. During the team wrap up, the manager started, and gave his summary. The coach who touched Peyton started his recap, then said “Even coaches mess up, we just have to learn from it. My fellow coaches came in to make me feel better and lifted me up.” He started to tear up, and broke down. I felt bad for him, as he put himself out there. And this is a guy who doesn’t have a daughter on the team! Well, she’s 5, and has a jersey, and is the team mascot, but doesn’t play. He drags his whole family out to these games, with the younger daughter just barely a year old. Another coach, again, without a daughter on the team, choked up when giving his speech, as he won’t be with the team at the next travel game. Dave was given the floor, too, as he has for the tournament. We were invited to the next tournament, but Dave is going to make the call whether we go or not. Peyton wants to go, knowing that her other team is not playing. She wants to continue to show up for their practices, especially this week, which is a short week with the holiday. Neither team is practicing Monday or Tuesday, so she’s getting a little break.


Guesting. Or playing for the other team. 
Two weeks ago or so, Peyton was asked if she would play in a tourney this weekend. Her team was not in one, and the other team said they needed players. So C and P agreed to play. They practiced all week with the team, and today was the day. There were no games on Friday, since we are a bit further away from the field. Today, we woke up before 7 am, and Peyton slept in most of her uniform, since I was worried she wouldn’t get up.

She was ready to go and we were on the field 15 minutes before requested, at 730 am. It was a much easier commute early on a Saturday versus the Friday of 4th of July weekend. It was FREEZING, and there was some light mist coming up the freeway. We left home and it was mild and sunny, and landed in frigid conditions just 20 minutes up the road. We ended up the visiting team after the coin toss so we were up first. Unfortunately, they went 1-2-3, with Peyton popping up and the first baseman catching the ball for her out. Then, it was her turn on defense. She was the starting pitcher. She was alternating with the other pitcher on this team, and they shut it down! It was a grueling pitcher’s duel with the final score of 0-0. I think they held them to without a hit, between their pitching and defense. Peyton did have a ball hit to her at pitcher, and she made the play to first base.

They went into extra time playing out the full last part of the inning, and that put us back in the schedule. The next game was not until after 1 pm, so we all went to breakfast. We hung out at Denny’s before leaving the team to get coffee and blankets at my parents’ house. We came back and kept warm in the afternoon, but the sun had already broken.

Peyton was pitching again, but came in to relieve her teammate at the bottom of the first inning. She had to climb out of a hole that had been dug, but she was doing better.

She also did better with her bat, but did get lucky that the other player didn’t catch her pop fly.

She did catch some pop flies of her own. She had range from short stop spanning third, catching one behind the little third baseman who had her glove up.  She is a head taller so she ended up with it first. She also covered second though her other teammate was there and more reliable.  When she calls “mine”, the manager told her teammates to let her have it. 

They ended up winning this game, though it was a close one, as time was expiring. We had less time in between this game, however the games were all behind in the schedule, so it ended up being there were 2 hours in between. The girls hung out and relaxed a bit not trying to tire them out. Brandon was offered money to keep a 5 year old little brother entertained. He had the jungle gym and a baseball and glove to keep him busy. It worked and he earned $5!

Finally, the third game was up. Peyton was pitching again, and she switched off with the other pitcher again.
When the ions that cause hardness come into contact with hormones Read More Here uk generic viagra like estrogen which is why the lining gets thick. Care to be taken for erectile dysfunction the most used and preferred product which was cialis cost low seen in the potency related issues of male and female.In women there is a serious issue of lack of sexual desire. There are dozens, generic viagra wholesale if not hundreds, of sneaky companies who know they can make your condition worse. If you’re sensitive to main ingredient or cialis 100mg hit by heart issue you are advised to have this nitrate based medicine. We were the away team, and went up 4 – 0 in the first inning.

While Peyton was pitching, they did come back a bit, at least 2 runs, but she also hit well.

Finally, it came down to the final half inning, and Peyton was pitching. There were two outs, runners at first and second, then this:

She did it!

The team celebrated a teammate’s birthday by heading to a restaurant for dinner. We were all able to order food as a family, but the girls all sat together. One dad even said Peyton told him that the seat he was going to sit in was reserved! He was a bit surprised, as was I because she spoke to him! She’s definitely comfortable with these teammates. We ended the day 2-0-1 (2 wins, no losses and a tie).

Tomorrow, we’re the #2 seed, the highest we’ve been this year with any team. I saw my HS friend, whose daughter is on the 1st ranked team of the 8 team tourney. We said we’d probably meet in the finals! I’m a bit worried about that, as her daughter is also a pitcher, and it’s going to be another pitcher’s duel. Peyton earned a stay with us in our bed, so hopefully she keeps up the good streak!

Best part of the day, b high-fiving p on a job well done at pitching. 

Promotion Ceremony and beyond

On Thursday, the last day of school, we all went to school. Peyton was going to her class, as her other friends who had older siblings were not going to get checked out of the class. The promotion ceremony was from 830 to 10 am. I was talking to some parents, while Dave disappeared on me. I figured he went inside so I went inside to find him. He found an aisle seat on the benches. The ceremony was started by the vice principal since our principal is out for surgery now. Each class was presented by the teacher along with a few student speakers and then the introduction of the students, who all crossed the stage and shook the VP’s hand.

The ceremony was fairly low key, and then the students were dismissed to get some cupcakes. We took a few pictures, presented him with a lei, along with the one that CDC gave him as well as the Yins. He didn’t want to take pictures, he started getting teary saying he wanted to go home. I didn’t understand why he was so emotional. He said he just wanted to go back home and “get out of here.” I think he was getting sad to leave school. It was still early, too early to take Peyton out, so we took Brandon to breakfast. He cheered up a bit once he had more food in him.

I headed home then went back to go get Peyton. I took her early to her piano lesson, while I had her take a nap before softball. Brandon and Dave went out to take the Yins to the airport for their trip. When they got back, we all headed out to Peyton’s softball practice. We had a late night, as we went to dinner after.

Friday, Dave went to work, while the rest of us started summer vacation. In true form, we went to the library, as well as a trip to Costco. It was nice and quiet after they had their books. Friday was Brandon’s playoff game against the team that had beaten them earlier in the week. Peyton and I went to Violette’s house for a playdate. We had already scheduled it, so I dropped her off, and she asked if I was staying. I told her there was no need for me to stay, since they would be fine. They were going to have dinner and make brownies, to test run the brownie bar that they will have at their party next week. I went back to Brandon’s game and watched a nail biter of a game. It was 1-1 through six innings, when they went to a seventh inning. The visiting team started to score, and Brandon’s team couldn’t come back. He did started out the inning with a double, but that was it. He was really upset in losing, and cried! He’d never cared about it before. So we were surprised by his response. I left him with Dave and then I went back to get Peyton. She was doing well since she had napped that day, too. We lasted until 9 pm, then we came home so that we could get a good night’s sleep for camping the next day.

We went to sleep and then headed out for camp early Saturday morning. They were having a hike that would earn them 3 badges, so I didn’t want her to miss them. We left about 30 minutes later than I wanted to, and the drive was fairly easy except for the last 10 miles, which was curvy and windy. Though Peyton had only woken up, she did fall back asleep, so I was happy to not have to worry about her getting car sick. We arrived at camp, and I took a long, deep breath for having made it there safely. We packed up all our stuff and headed out in one trip! I wasn’t sure how far away we were, so I didn’t want to make more than one trip. The girls all greeted us and I put my tent up where one mom was leaving. This was big for me to bring all my own gear and put it up. Usually, Dave does it all. He gave me a quick tutorial the night before, but it had gone in one ear and out the other, so two other parents came over to help me out. Peyton got situated in her own campsite with her troop sisters. They had a space for her, and they rushed her in so she could get out to the hike with them. At some point, all would be in attendance, but they were in flux with some leaving and coming at different times. The girls headed out while I put our gear together and hung out with the other parents there. Lunch was low key sandwiches, which the parents helped prep. The girls came back and had lunch. Then, there was a creek walk or “swim” as most of the girls got thoroughly drenched. They were to paint water colors with the creek water, and they had finished up an elf house as well as a touch and feel game.

Some of the girls who got really wet took showers. There was warm water! I helped her get all situated and then had her re-bug spray. Half of the troop was preparing spaghetti and sauce, while Peyton’s half of the troop was practicing their skits for campfire. The parents also had a skit prepped.

After dinner was done, we all gathered around the camp fire for the bridging ceremony, where the brownie 1’s would “cross over” to brownie 2, while the four brownie 2’s would go to junior and get their green vests.

Then, the girls played games along with the adults before it was dark. We had dessert prepared by the dads, and then it was brushing teeth time. Peyton had her buddy with her, and they went to brush their teeth and potty together. I was not needed at all by her, as she did everything on her own. I was able to hang out and do my own thing. I did use the restroom twice more before bedtime, just once after midnight as the last of us stayed up around the fire. I thought I was free and clear, but I’d been drinking coffee most of the day as well as herbal tea at night, and I found myself awake at 230 am. I didn’t want to hold it, so I braved the dark and walked up to the restrooms on my own. I made it without freaking myself out too much, and then on the way back, I heard crying from the tent. It wasn’t peyton’s tent, and I didn’t want to wake anyone up, but the girl said she lost her teddy bear. I wasn’t sure if it was the girl who has night terrors or if it was another girl who was really awake. By this time, her mom had come over to check on her. I went back to sleep, as I was feeling much better by this time.

The girls had awoken by 645 am, and I was able to stay in my tent until 715 am before packing up our stuff. I had service the whole time, so I was receiving texts from Dave the entire time. i packed up mostly as Dave had told me of a softball game that was happening at 1230 pm. One team was playing at 8 am , so I knew we wouldn’t make that, but it was the older girls that were playing at 1230pm. It took awhile for us to pack everything up, as the scout leader had a FULL kitchen – sink with a pump to wash dishes. We took pictures of all the girls with their packs.

We headed home and I was more comfortable with the drive, knowing I was just back tracking what I’d already driven. Peyton was out in 5 minutes. When we got home, we both showered and turned around to drive down for the softball game. We saw our other friends there and hung out watching the loss. At least we know what she would see in future years. We headed to lunch together with just us after, but totally fell asleep in the car. Dave knew I was tired, and after lunch, I took yet another nap. I took Brandon with me to get groceries and we ran into two different friends of his. I told him no matter when I go to that store, I will see someone we know. One time it was even his teacher!

Here are the pictures which were taken over the weekend:

Thank you card from Peyton to me for taking her camping. 

Creek water watercolor for outdoor scenery 

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Packing up. 

Flag pole picture 

14 out of 15 of them. All packed up and ready to leave. 

Solo shot 

David G and b 

Kevin R 

Two leis! Dave got it the day before while Ryan got him one, too from the Yins. 

Brian C 

Mrs Caudle 

G and Brandon 

Legacy tile. The “a” in leadership 


Bridging ceremony 

Sports Sunday

This morning, we were out the door by 830 am. The kids were playing with legos first thing in the morning, but we didn’t have much time. We got Peyton ready for her line up of events. We had snack duty for practice yesterday, and then we had snack duty for basketball practice.

But first, we headed to one field, then changed course for the one I had listed in my calendar. When we arrived, we saw the other coach of the other 10U team, then realized we were at the wrong field (the original one). I had the time right, but not the field in my calendar. So instead of being 15 minutes early, we were 10 minutes late. Ugh. Not a happy camper from Dave. We were not the last to arrive, but still, that doesn’t cut it. We got her warmed up, and she got into her routine. Brandon played with the other brothers on the team – one was his age! and the other is a first grader. Boys seem to be able to play with whatever boy is there without any problems.

Peyton was lead-off batter again, and she drew two walks. She played right field, and knew to back up first on her plays. Even though she doesn’t quite like the outfield, she now knows she has to play whenever the coach asks her to. They played 3 innings, and then they were done. We headed to the team party after taking a few team pictures. We ordered ahead of time to save time for us and beat the rest of our team. We ate and watched the coach speak something nice about each player. He got them beanie babies to choose as he called them up one by one. He was offering encouragement to Dave to coach next fall, and he would help out. He enjoys working with this age kids, though I don’t know if Dave will want to take this on.

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After an early dinner, we got the kids to bed before 730 pm. It’s been a long day!

Third late night!

We’ve been quite busy lately. Friday we went to SF to pick up our race bibs.  We then turned right around to head to the back to school picnic.  I had a pizza selling shift to do but Dave was going to cover it should I not make it back in time. The kids were let out of the car and took off to go see their friends and play.  I got my stuff together and headed over.  

Dave preferred to sell so he wouldn’t have to talk to anyone.  We’d received a text from the Yin’s to come over after the event to share Dave’s Oregonian beer with Ryan before he left for a week long trip. We headed over after the kids showered.  It was just after 8 by that time.  G had two friends staying over night. H and F were all there, too.  We hung out, the kids watched a movie, and then they all went back to the girls’ rooms for awhile. Poor Brandon was the only boy but he was a good sport. They came back out glistening! They’d put a facial mask on. Brandon was still in the back and when he came out, I was going to laugh if he was shiny too. He wasn’t fortunately. 

We were having a good time both the parents and the kids and finally we figured it was time to go.  It was midnight!!  H had a game in the morning and P had practice.  We let her sleep with us to sleep longer. She lasted until my alarm 8 am. She went to practice okay and Dave and I got to meet the new coach. She melted down over a tshirt. She didn’t get the 22 she wanted and Dave asked to go check with the girl who got it. She said no, and it set Peyton off! Then she got hit with the ball while practicing pitching.  More tears. I ignored her.  

From there, we went home to shower Peyton and nap.  She was out for at least two hours.  

We then headed to the end of the season party at the coach’s house.  We were the first to arrive even though the party started at 3 and we were there at 310. Coach knew we’d be the first to arrive. We thought we had the time wrong!  Soon more teammates arrived and the party was in full swing. We had a slip and slide and good fun. We didnt end up leaving until almost 830! We said thank you and goodbye and wrapped up. 

Tomorrow Peyton has her softball game and then two hours of basketball practice! 
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I’ll miss out since I’m at my race. I’ll have to run fast! 

Sliding fun:
Slip and sliding fun.  Brandon was lazy and didn’t want to bring his suit or towel.