
Guesting. Or playing for the other team. 
Two weeks ago or so, Peyton was asked if she would play in a tourney this weekend. Her team was not in one, and the other team said they needed players. So C and P agreed to play. They practiced all week with the team, and today was the day. There were no games on Friday, since we are a bit further away from the field. Today, we woke up before 7 am, and Peyton slept in most of her uniform, since I was worried she wouldn’t get up.

She was ready to go and we were on the field 15 minutes before requested, at 730 am. It was a much easier commute early on a Saturday versus the Friday of 4th of July weekend. It was FREEZING, and there was some light mist coming up the freeway. We left home and it was mild and sunny, and landed in frigid conditions just 20 minutes up the road. We ended up the visiting team after the coin toss so we were up first. Unfortunately, they went 1-2-3, with Peyton popping up and the first baseman catching the ball for her out. Then, it was her turn on defense. She was the starting pitcher. She was alternating with the other pitcher on this team, and they shut it down! It was a grueling pitcher’s duel with the final score of 0-0. I think they held them to without a hit, between their pitching and defense. Peyton did have a ball hit to her at pitcher, and she made the play to first base.

They went into extra time playing out the full last part of the inning, and that put us back in the schedule. The next game was not until after 1 pm, so we all went to breakfast. We hung out at Denny’s before leaving the team to get coffee and blankets at my parents’ house. We came back and kept warm in the afternoon, but the sun had already broken.

Peyton was pitching again, but came in to relieve her teammate at the bottom of the first inning. She had to climb out of a hole that had been dug, but she was doing better.

She also did better with her bat, but did get lucky that the other player didn’t catch her pop fly.

She did catch some pop flies of her own. She had range from short stop spanning third, catching one behind the little third baseman who had her glove up.  She is a head taller so she ended up with it first. She also covered second though her other teammate was there and more reliable.  When she calls “mine”, the manager told her teammates to let her have it. 

They ended up winning this game, though it was a close one, as time was expiring. We had less time in between this game, however the games were all behind in the schedule, so it ended up being there were 2 hours in between. The girls hung out and relaxed a bit not trying to tire them out. Brandon was offered money to keep a 5 year old little brother entertained. He had the jungle gym and a baseball and glove to keep him busy. It worked and he earned $5!

Finally, the third game was up. Peyton was pitching again, and she switched off with the other pitcher again.
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While Peyton was pitching, they did come back a bit, at least 2 runs, but she also hit well.

Finally, it came down to the final half inning, and Peyton was pitching. There were two outs, runners at first and second, then this:

She did it!

The team celebrated a teammate’s birthday by heading to a restaurant for dinner. We were all able to order food as a family, but the girls all sat together. One dad even said Peyton told him that the seat he was going to sit in was reserved! He was a bit surprised, as was I because she spoke to him! She’s definitely comfortable with these teammates. We ended the day 2-0-1 (2 wins, no losses and a tie).

Tomorrow, we’re the #2 seed, the highest we’ve been this year with any team. I saw my HS friend, whose daughter is on the 1st ranked team of the 8 team tourney. We said we’d probably meet in the finals! I’m a bit worried about that, as her daughter is also a pitcher, and it’s going to be another pitcher’s duel. Peyton earned a stay with us in our bed, so hopefully she keeps up the good streak!

Best part of the day, b high-fiving p on a job well done at pitching. 

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