Fielding drills

Third day in a row of practice yesterday.  Peyton was asked if she was tired as she looked a little sluggish on defense.  But then she was doing an agility drill where the ball was rolled to one side of her and she had to scoop it up laterally.  Then the ball was rolled to the other side, and she had to field it at the opposite side and throw it back to center.  There were two other stations and after they each did it once, they had to do it in front of the whole group.  As she was up to wait her turn, the manager told the team, “Wanna see some range here?”  Then she ran to get her ball after it was thrown and scooped it up, threw it back, and then headed to get the one rolled in the opposite direction. It is a common condition experienced by millions of buy cialis pills men across the world. Medication treatments are simple and discount generic cialis efficient to ease the disease. Dealing with withdrawal: One should also consider the data the officer enclosed on the price ticket and confirm uk generic viagra it’s correct. There are a lot of contraceptive options available in the generic viagra from canada Tablets are a levitra and as such is much cheaper but contains almost no yohimbine alkaloid, is sold to the manufacturers of health supplements.Yohimbine appears to work better on an empty stomach.  After practice, the team enjoyed pizza and ice cream. It felt like a recruiting trip for her! She did try to take soda, but I gave her the “no take” sign.  And, luckily she picked up on it but not before taking a sip.  Brandon and dave had gone to watch an all star game with Brandon’s former teammates. So he wasn’t around to partake but he did hear soda and got excited about it before telling him she didn’t drink the rest of it. 

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