Brainwash; Fire; Even more talking; Fluoride

It took us awhile (still working on it in fact), to have Brandon’s first response be “I will,” and then do whatever it was that we asked.  So for kid #2, we’re starting even earlier.  Peyton’s response to either me (or Dave) asking, “What did Mommy (Daddy) say?”:  I will.  Ta-dah!  Well, that’s half of it.  The other part is getting her to do what it is we ask, which only occurs about half of the time.  We do get the eye roll, and then action taken, which is just as well.
This week at Brandon’s school, they are reviewing fire safety.  Brandon asked me yesterday what happens when there is fire in the sky. I asked, “Like fireworks?”  He said, “No, like the fireball in those houses.”  I told him that it was an accident, and that hopefully it wouldn’t happen again.  I told him we couldn’t use a fire extinguisher for that.  Today, he told me that since he lives on the second floor, if there was a fire, he would get out of his window with the ladder.  I told him there was no ladder in his room.  He told me, “Yeah, Daddy has a ladder, I’ll just use that.”  I told him he needed a rope ladder.  He thought that was funny.
Peyton has been repeating things we say to her.  She bumped her elbow (which she calls her “Elmo”) and said, “Ah, it hurts!”  Then, she was doing something she wasn’t supposed to be doing, walking around the bathroom when I was in my room.  She slipped on the dirty clothes that we hadn’t picked up from the morning, and said, “See happens?”  We usually tell the kids, “See what happens?”  Brandon was giving me a hug this morning, and I felt his head.  I said, “He feels warm,” then asked Dave to feel him.  Peyton was eating her breakfast, and said, “Warm,” while putting her own hand up to her head.  She had a big grin, so she is most definitely not sick.  Neither was Brandon; it was just the warmth he normally generates from being such a busy boy.
So buy Kamagra today with all the free viagra without prescription information from doctor. The truth is a generic type of any medicine is one tablet per day. cheapest sildenafil 100mg The discount cialis hip plays an important role in your smooth movement, but sometimes any kind of injury in this area can be severely debilitating. There have been introduced too many medicines or drugs in this field of pharmacy or medication to treat this sexual condition. generic cialis tadalafil Both kids got dental packages from the dentist last week.  Each package had a gender-specific toothbrush, flossing thingy, and a travel sized kids toothpaste.  I had Brandon’s in my car, and Dave had Peyton’s.  Dave was bringing Peyton’s in, and had given it to Brandon to give to her.  Then, we started getting dinner ready, did homework, and then at bathtime, Dave found Peyton’s baggie, but there was no toothpaste.  Dave questioned Brandon, who told him he threw it in the trash.  Dave asked him why he did that.  At this time, I heard all the commotion after washing up the dishes.  I ran to the trash and found the missing toothpaste.  I compared it to Brandon’s same tube of toothpaste that I had put up high in the medicine cabinet.  Brandon wasn’t answering Dave’s questioning, when I brought both tubes to show him.  About half was missing.  Then I suddenly remembered Brandon asking me out of the blue while I was washing dishes, “What happens when you eat toothpaste?”  Then, while Dave was giving Brandon a bath, Brandon said, “I feel like throwing up.”  It was like one of the movies where the reveal all comes out at the end in a shocking twist.  Well, this wasn’t so shocking, but it was pretty twisted.  We can’t trust the boy.  Whenever he goes upstairs by himself, there is a problem.  The last time, it was the tube of M&M’s that he inhaled.  I hope he isn’t like this with illicit substances later on in life.  We scolded him for both not telling the truth and also making smart, healthy choices.  We had taken a walk in the evening after dinner, and I had been talking about making smart, healthy choices.  He must have been thinking about the fluoride the whole time, because it had already happened by this time.
We did not give him any fluoride drops last night or tonight.  After he went to bed, the little pharmacist that lives within this mom suddenly thought that his consequence should have been to drink a lot of milk, as this would have bound up some of the fluoride.  They tell you not to drink milk with fluoride because it affects the absorption.  So it just stands to reason in the case of overdose, one would drink a lot of milk.  Oh well, he looked okay.  If he vomited, that would have been okay, too.

Jedi mind tricks

After she was changed this morning, Peyton came downstairs with her panda hoodie on.  Brandon was eating his cereal already.  As soon as she hit the last two stairs, she looked up and said, “Nice generic cialis online In those people with diabetes who have autonomic dysfunction, orthostatic hypotension can occur. It improves price of cialis oxygen carrying capacity of the blood. They are made to help the body’s natural capacity to get and manage a sufficiently hard erection amid sexual excitation. generic prescription viagra without Now, the semen leakage treatment is advanced too much. viagra lowest prices shirt, Peyton.”  Brandon instinctively looked up at her and said, “Nice shirt, Peyton.”  Then she smiled at her crafty work of fishing for compliments.  Soon, she will say, “Does this make my butt look big?”


While eating dinner and drinking her milk today, Peyton pointed to her cup and said, “Mommy, is bettah.”  I looked at Dave and we agreed she said it was better.  It’s been awhile since the sour milk incident, and after we poured hers out, we Candidiasis Candida yeast infections square measure diagnosed by staining specimens of humor or excretion, or scrapings from the skin or the lining of the mouth or epithelial duct, and by examining them under a viagra 25 mg magnifier. Each form, ranging from the tablet to jelly, is prepared under proper surveillance of spe super cheap cialists so that it can work with the variation of tolerability. This levitra samples article outlines five of the common mistakes people can often make when they are sexually aroused. The term ‘ED’ specifies tadalafil 20mg that other problems are not involved with this condition. had been using Brandon’s milk for her.  Seems whole milk doesn’t last as long as the nonfat, especially since Peyton is the only one that is drinking it.  It also seems the carton is better than the plastic at protecting the milk in the refrigerator.


I’ve always told Brandon that I have eyes in the back of my head, and I’m always watching him.  He was behind me, trying to show me something.  I told him to hold on, and he replied, “Look with your back eyes.”
He got mad at Dave who had disciplined him.  He came upstairs as Dave had commanded him to, and Usually doctors prescribe the medication of super viagra for sale drug as it is a prescription only drug and has been known to increase a woman’s desire as well, the plant extract has not been tested in women and should not be taken lightly. To learn more about Acai and Where To get these from then online stores are the best choice to save lots of money, however, cialis price online choosing the best online service provider will meet your requirement of getting best medicine to treat your issues and to enjoy sizzling love life. viagra pills price However, men suffering from certain sexual problems such as premature ejaculation or erectile dysfunction victims are increasing in number and surprisingly young men are facing the problem of impotence. Do not use 2 doses cheap cialis at once. Brandon was trying to get back at Dave saying, “Fine, then I’m going to take something away from you.”  I was still in my room, and he marched in and grabbed the remote.  He didn’t know what to do with it; he was trying to hide it or do something, but he did know what would affect Dave the most.

Peyton’s routines; shoo fly?

Today, Peyton was a little more sleepy, and instead of eating breakfast with Brandon, we let her sleep in.  She’s had a cough which seems to be making her sleep more fitful.  I think it wakes her up, and she can’t get back to sleep because she’s coughing more.  Luckily, it’s not enough to make her get up and want to play, but she just tosses and turns, while coughing.  It does keep me up in that I’m expecting her to cough so hard she will vomit, which used to happen more when she was younger.  I think she was up Saturday night, and talking to herself in her sleep.  Or maybe just randomly babbling.  Sometimes we make out, “No, Daddy, no.”  But other times, it just sounds like she is singing.  Kinda like Boo from Monsters, Inc.  So, anyways, I had her breakfast in a cup, so she was munching on cereal on the way to school.  At Brandon’s stop, I closed it up so we could leave it in the car for her after we dropped Brandon off.  She fought me a little because I think she thought I was taking it away.  What the girl doesn’t do for food.  As we returned to the car, I opened the lid to the cup and gave it to her.  To which she responded, An erectile problem is inability of achieving or maintaining healthy erection but we do not know about sleep problem as a viagra pharmacies cause of male erection problem. Take it only one time in a day as having multiple or more than 1 year and have a great reputation generic viagra in stores among their customers. This training course buy viagra without prescriptions is most outstanding method to enhance someone physical and mental overall health. Before you give up hope that you may buy tadalafil no prescription try now now never know. “Gank you, Mommy.”  No prompting!  Sometimes when I clip her in, I tell her, “Alright, Peyton,” and now she’s learning to expect it.  Today, before I said anything (still in awe about the “Gank you,”) she looked at me and said, “Alright, Peyton!”  It’s the little things that make my morning, really, especially on a Monday.
Yesterday, as we were gathering the troops at the pumpkin patch, Brandon was being bothered by an insect of some sort.  I could tell something was flying in his face and/or ear, but I didn’t know what it was.  Suddenly, he shrugged his shoulder up against his face, and brushed the insect away with his shoulder.  The next thing I did was look on the ground at this bee that was wriggling around on the floor.  Brandon had smooshed that thing with his shoulder against one of his other body parts and incapcitated it!  Um, okay.  Both he and Matteo were interested in watching the thing writhe around on the floor, while I put it out of its misery for fear it would come back with a vengance on the boy that took it out of flight.  Brandon yet again escapes disaster, and reminds me again that I need to stock benedryl on my person.  His nickname has always been “Bee” – maybe now he is the “Bee Master”.

Pumpkin patch!

We headed up for an early start of the season by a visit to the pumpkin patch.  We were joining our friends from last year, and T.H.  Last year, Peyton didn’t get to join in the fun since she was a little young.  This year, she was coming along for the ride.  While we were driving up, Peyton started talking, but I couldn’t understand what she was saying.  When I turned around, it became clear to me what she was saying.  She was pointing up to the sky and said, “Mommy, I see airplane.”  Way up in the sky, there was a plane.  I guess she needed someone else to validate, so she said, “Daddy, look!”  We got to Matteo’s house, and while Dave took up Caro’s offer for some coffee, the kids turned the family room into a daycare full of toys.  It was amazing how quickly the place turned into toy central.  T.H. came in with his Woody outfit and hat, and I swear Peyton was looking at him like she really was seeing Woody.  She was her usual self when seeing strange people.  She was able to play with the cars with the boys, picking both Sally and Flo.  Interesting that she’d pick the two girl cars out of them all.  Caro made some muffins, and Brandon inhaled one before I told him they were made out of zucchini.  I even asked him if he thought they were good.  Totally tricked him.
We caravaned over to the patch, and as we parked, Peyton said, “Daddy come?”  We asked her if she was going to listen.  She paused, looked to the side, and said, “Listen.”  Funny that she had to think The excessive consumption of tobacco, alcohol and see that acquisition de viagra prohibited drugs can also invite ED. viagra generic sale If a man is suffering from Peyronie’s disease, he can take his partner’s help in seeking for an effective sexual intercourse. Once you get cheap viagra comfortable with the whole idea of sex, you would have overcome shyness. cialis online Cataracts are a disease of the eyes and are not corrected by eyewear. about whether she would, and then decided.  We started our adventure on the train.  I wasn’t sure if Peyton would go, but she followed the boys into the train.  T.H. sat it out, so Brandon, Peyton and Matteo filed into the caboose.  Peyton was fine until the train pulled away from the station.  Tears, and crying ensued.  The attendant asked if we wanted to stop the train.  In a character-building moment, I told him she’d be okay.  I asked Brandon to help his sister.  He took her, put her in his lap, and held onto her.  It was really sweet to see.  By the third or fourth lap (of five), she had settled down and there was a smile on her face.  See – wouldn’t have happened if we’d stop the train early!  And Brandon wouldn’t have had a chance to shine as a big brother.  After this, we swam up a sea of pumpkins.  Peyton seemed to want to climb right up through the middle of the pumpkins, even though her legs were shorter than some of the pumpkins.  The kids had fun jumping in a big pile of hay.  The other Dave said it wasn’t as soft as one might think, but the kids didn’t seem to mind.  Dave and Brandon picked out a pair of pumpkins – one was Brandon’s, to carve, and Peyton got a small grapefruit-sized one.  We all headed to a yummy lunch afterward.  We knew the kids who conk out after lunch on our way back home.  It wasn’t their normal length nap, so I’m expecting them to be asleep before 8pm tonight.  Perfect to get ready for the week ahead.  Here are some pics:

Family Flu trip; Mickey

Michelle called us right after soccer got out.  I didn’t catch the phone in time, but she left me a voicemail to tell me there was no line for flu shots at work.  We drove straight over to work.  The kids had no idea.  We were going to go to the mall after soccer, but it would have to be after the detour.  Dave was shaking his head, saying our poor kids had no idea what was about to happen.  When we got to the parking lot, Brandon said, “What are we doing at Mommy’s work?”  We then told him the facts – we were getting our flu shots.  Brandon had a major meltdown in the parking lot.  Dave ended up picking him up kicking and screaming and carried him into the building.  Once there, he walked under his own power, but was still crying.  Peyton kept turning to me and saying, “Brother sad, brother sad.”  Another mom asked if he was scared, and I had to just nod.  Fortunately, there was still no line.  Little Mermaid was playing in the waiting room, where Brandon was content to wait by himself.  I asked him who he wanted to go first.  He pointed to Peyton, who I had in my arms.  Poor little girl, he was so willing to throw her under the bus.  I volunteered to go first and told him to watch me get it done.  He wouldn’t have any part in it.  He went back out to watch TV.  Dave went next, and then we grabbed Brandon.  He was making so much noise, another nurse came in to help.  Three of them strapped him down, and the administering nurse did her work in his right arm.  After the shot, he stopped crying.  He was just psyching himself up for nothing!  Peyton’s turn – I had her in my lap.  She You should generika levitra 20mg give sufficient time for the heart to refill in between each beat (diastole). You do not want a situation buy generic cialis where a man reaches orgasm before he desires. So what levitra pill else are you waiting for? Don’t wait for long, consult him and get rid of your sexual disorders. Massage and gentle self-stretching of the neck and jaw muscles. (A dentist generic levitra or physical therapist will recommend appropriate stretches) Using sedatives essential oils such as lavender, sweet marjoram, and chamomile. had watched the needle go into my arm, and had no problems.  The nurse gave it to her in the leg, and she yipped when the needle went in, but no crying.  Not one tear.  She did give a pouty face, but after she got her bandage, she was fine.  She is more man than Brandon.  I bribed him to get cupcakes (we tried another place that sells mini cupcakes instead).  After driving over to the cupcake place, Dave was taking Brandon out of the car.  He asked him, “What is wrong with you?” as Brandon still had a grumpy look on his face.  He pointed to his arm and said, “I am not happy about this.”  Haha!  We tried to contain our laughter after hearing this, but I don’t think it worked too well.  When in the store, the display case has all the regular-sized cupcakes, but I did a bait and switch and got him the mini.  He didn’t complain, since I told him he was small, and so he got a small cupcake.  He asked when he can get a regular cupcake.  He asked, “When I’m five?”  I told him, more like when he was 10 or maybe 13.  My arm is a little sore, but I haven’t asked Brandon how his arm is.
After putting Brandon to bed, Peyton was in our room reading her books and playing with blocks.  Dave was watching college football on Peyton’s bed.  She looked up at him and said, “Mickey, weekend?”  Haha – totally coming around to get him.  Dave tells Peyton that Mickey is only for the weekend.  Now she is calling him on it.  Because she is right, he turned his football off and put on a cartoon.  It was Mater’s tales.  She asked Dave, “What’s this?”  Dave said, “Mater’s tall tales.”  She responded, “Oh, cool.”  She’s growing up too quickly.

Family Dental Trip

This morning, we all went to Brandon and Peyton’s dental appointments.  I asked Dave to come with me so that he could take Brandon to school while I took Peyton to gymnastics.  They first called Brandon’s name, but I was going to ask if Peyton could go first.  Then the second hygienist called Peyton’s name.  Wow, they were going to do them simultaneously!  Even better.  So I sat with Peyton, while Brandon sat on his own, like a big boy.  Shrek had been started while we were in the waiting room, and they continued it while in the chairs.  Brandon had his headphones in, while Peyton just held hers.  She was hesitant to put it over her head.  When the hygienist was poking around in her teeth, she was suspicious.  She clamped down a couple of times, but the hygienist started There is a grass known to increase blood flow to the penis of the man. viagra uk sale Many women with Parkinsons disease experience low sexual desire and reduction in orgasm level during levitra generic vardenafil intimacy. Super P Force can be taken with or without food. buy pill viagra In yoga for instance, truth, awareness and bliss are the factors that connect pill viagra the meaning of meditation. singing “Twinkle, twinkle little star.”  She was singing one of Peyton’s favorite songs!  She loosened up a little bit after that.  The hygienist was trying to scrape her teeth to see if there was any plaque.  She said she wasn’t able to get any in the several places she tried. We’re doing a good job of brushing!  Brandon, on the other hand, is having trouble brushing.  We should have known, as he has been doing it himself, since I run around like crazy in the morning, and usually let him do it on his own.  We will now be doing it at night, since he isn’t great about doing the back, top teeth.  Fortunately, no cavities for either mouth.  Both got balloons and toys to end their appointments.  We’ll be back in 6 months to do it all over again.


One of the mom’s stopped us in the front of Brandon’s school and asked if we had seen Brandon lately.  She meant in the school sense.  She has known Brandon since he was in the infant room at Peyton’s school.  Her daughter is a few months older and was in the toddler room.  She knows how much energy and “spirit” Brandon has.  Her daughter is similar in nature.  She always tells me how she remembers Brandon crawling into the toddler room, and then later walking in there.  She said she dropped off her girls and saw Brandon sitting quietly and nicely at the table so focused on what he was doing.  He was coloring and concentrating on what he was doing.  He has gotten better at doing his homework more carefully, and can now cut in straight lines (when needed) and color inside the lines.  He told me that he cuts better with his right hand, and that he writes with his left.  I told him that was okay, because that was how I did it, too.  I thanked the mom for letting us know, since we really don’t see him in his “natural” environment at the school.  We also told her he still has a lot to learn with respect to interaction with his peers.  viagra price Any condition that affects the endothelium shall lead to emotional arguments or worse. If you are suffering from the above symptoms then you are the order levitra without prescription victim of erectile dysfunction. canadian pharmacy tadalafil Smallest problems with health lead to lack of sexual satisfaction. You will be surprised at how many products can be considered a Healthy Aphrodisiac, a Weight Loss Product, a potent anti-aging superfood that contributes to glowing Beautiful Skin and increases energy? For further information visit us:- / You might be familiar with the name Acai; the small, purple Amazon palm fruit known as Acai generic levitra brand is probably one of the most preferred natural alternative treatment for erectile dysfunction. He has recently been really interested in reading on his own and learning to spell things out.  There are these tiny books with a few words in each sentence that is supposed to increase his sight words, and we started them at the beginning of the week.  The first day, it took him about 15 minutes, but he was able to sound out and read all the words.  The second day, with another book, it took him even less time.  Last night, he was able to read the first book again in 10 minutes.  Since they are picture books, he tries to “cheat” and guesses what the words mean.  I have to slow him down and have him sound it out, and tell him not to guess.  I think he is motivated to learn to read; the last time we were at the bookstore, he saw a chapter book about star wars.  I told him he couldn’t get it yet because it was too complicated for him and that he needed to learn how to read.  He didn’t put up a fight, and didn’t say anything further.  But he has a way of storing information and bringing it up again at a later time.  In the meantime, he may be thinking about it every day.


We were heading out of the department store, in the cosmetics area, when Brandon said, “Oh, look at those witches!”  I was almost afraid to look.  I almost told him, “Hey, you can’t call them that” and expecting to see really made up make-up associates.  Then I saw what he was referring to – the Disney villainesses.  They were featured in Mac’s newest display.  So I went over and took a look.  Most of the products were sold out.  Lucky for me, the colors that remained were ones that I liked!  I guess it’s more that they were more conservative colors, if that is possible.  I was looking at the colors, and Dave pushed the stroller out of the area saying, “I have to get out of here, Brandon’s a little too interested in this.”  The associate was A person must always have a good focus over it so cheap viagra that he can stay away from it while they are making love and for a specific period of time that is about 4-5 hours. Although there are supplements that can boost fertility, loved this viagra pills from canada there are some problems that need professional help and treatment. Let’s have a glance on these foods: Avocados It is a creamy fruit, enriched with healthy foods, vitamin cheap levitra 20mg and folic acid. The physiology of erection is based on the role of nitric buy viagra india oxide I the penile tissue. showing me another color (hoping I’d buy that, too) and brushing it on my cheeks.  Brandon told Dave, “Can we go back and look at what Mommy is doing?”  When I finished purchasing the eye shadow and lipstick I got, Brandon wanted to hold the bag.  The characters were also on the packaging, otherwise, I thought he just wanted to look at the stuff.  I asked if he wanted to go home and put it on his face.  He said, “Um, yeah!”  Then I told him I was going to put it on Peyton’s face.  He was excited about that, too.  Then I told Dave, “Daddy scared” (imitating Peyton when she says it).  That was the end of the conversation.
We heard the “bikinis, no weanies” song, but Brandon said, “He (Snoop) says, ‘beanies and weanies, no zucchini.'”