Double Trouble

Today, both kids had practice. I picked Peyton up and brought her home just as Dave was backing out. I flagged him down, and I dumped Peyton off, just stopping long enough to go potty. I quickly changed, then headed to get Brandon at CDC. I had his pile of clothes in my car, from Dave, and he agreeably changed his clothes at school. At first, he wanted to change at home, but I told him we were there to stay. I got him to his field with 5 minutes to spare. I stood between both backstops to watch kids. Later, I played a little catch with Kai, then we played hot potato. I went back to help with managing kids behind the backstop. It makes me nervous when the kids have bats around each other. Peyton was not doing a good job of listening,so I was going to take her home, when she decided she was ready. When Dave was done, then Coach Tom took both Brandon’s to take some batting practice. During this process, the erectile blood vessels dilate, the buying viagra in india penile muscles relax and the blood flow enhances. The reasons that affect your sexual generic cialis performance easily. This method has especially been developed for those their page viagra 50 mg men seeking to enhance their manhood to help boost sexual performance. purchase sildenafil online At the end of the process, the painful experience that you used to go through with the older joints will no longer be there. Tom was throwing faster balls at him, and Brandon was ripping them! He was so happy to hit one over Dave’s head, which was effectively the little kid outfield. He’s really getting his timing down! After some time watching Brandon, I decided to take Peyton home. She needed a bath and to get a head start on dinner. It’s so difficult when the kids both have practice, especially as both had homework tonight. Brandon helped himself out by doing his math at school. Dave dropped Brandon off by 715 pm, and then headed out for Coaches’ Night Out. They were meeting up for pizza and beer. They were all very excited! I’ll wait for his return, then call Tina for a ride overnight for us to get to the airport in the city by 6 am! I already put Peyton to bed, but Brandon is still reading his 20 minutes. I’ve already told them both where I’ll be going, and that I’ll be back on Monday and will miss them very much. Peyton gave me a long, hug goodnight. I think it was half-stalling, and half-meaningful. We’ll see what Brandon does when it’s his turn to go to sleep.

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