Mother’s Day

I’ll start in reverse order of events. While Peyton was saying good night to us, she came up to me first and said, “I’ll give you a BIG hug! Happy Mother’s day!” Then, she squeezed me tightly, while heading over to Dave, she said, “I’ll give YOU a BIG hug, next month in June. For now, I’ll just give you a little hug.” She did give him a small one. That was followed by a big hug from Brandon, which almost knocked me off the sofa.

This morning, we headed to PA for the Farmer’s market. We got there just before 9 am, and Dave stood in line for bread. He wanted to try it, and whenever we’ve gone in the past, it’s been sold out of a lot of selection. Peyton and I headed in search of flowers for grandma and taipo. I’d bought flowers yesterday, but I left them at home. I’ll use those for the teachers’ gifts tomorrow. We got some samples of fruit, and then we tried to find Dave and Brandon, who were among the crowds. It was getting busier the longer we stayed. We caught up to them, and then continued to walk around. There were lots of cherries and other stone fruits, which I always look forward to. We spent almost an hour there, and then headed to see my mom and dad. We got there around 1030 am, and my grandma, aunt and uncle were shortly behind us. My dad had gone in to work, so we just hung out at the house. Despite it being only 11 am, I asked Peyton to sleep. Lunch wasn’t until 2 pm, so I wanted her to get in a nap. She didn’t complain, even when I closed the door. She asked me to wake her when it was time to get up. She selected rain forest on the white noise machine, and we didn’t hear from her until 1230 pm! She definitely looked like she had slept, with her hair all over the place. My dad had come home by this time. Brandon played quietly upstairs, so we didn’t hear from him while we played a round of MJ. We headed to our reservation early, and both kids were happy since they were separated and both sitting on either side of grandma. They both had good appetites, and we were able to enjoy a nice spread! We headed back to the house after, watching the rest of the SF/LA game. Both kids were cheering for the Dodgers 🙁 but it wasn’t to be on this day. We took some pictures, along with the ones we’d taken at home, too. We got the kids in bed by 715 pm, and hopefully they will sleep soon. It was a nice, relaxing family day today. Here are the pictures!
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