Weekend Recap

We’ve had a busy weekend, so much so that I haven’t been able to catch up!

Friday started out with Peyton’s field trip to the aquarium.  It was a small group to begin with, and Peyton told me Olivia was in LA.  I didn’t believe her until the teacher confirmed, so that meant the field trip was just Peyton and me!  Easiest field trip ever!  Especially since she slept on the way up there AND on the way back!  We hung out through the aquarium, and then for lunch, I bought at a restaurant with the teachers.  I had a crab salad sandwich which was delicious.  I’d packed Peyton a sandwich, to replace the school’s yucky one.  We decided not to stick with the group and explored the pier on our own.  I got to take her to more adult stores, with breakables, that I would never have taken a group.  We saw some puppets, for her entertainment, and some music boxes for mine.  We got something for my mom, since her other gift hadn’t arrived in the mail yet.  We met up with the class right before 2pm, and the bus had already been summoned since the kids were done.  We got back about an hour earlier than planned.  Peyton was wiped out!  We were going to head over to get Brandon, but when I called Dave to see where he was, he was home already!  Brandon was going to skip practice since it would be disruptive to leave half way through.  We headed up to see my parents earlier than expected.  We’d just learned that my cousin had gotten married over in Korea to bring the girl back on a green card, so that was all the buzz.  He’s in his late 20’s, but still…the day before that, we’d learned via FB that Dave’s cousin had gotten married in Hawai’i to someone she’d just recently met.  Her father hadn’t even met him yet!  So, between the two of them, Dave and I aren’t sure who is the wilder cousin.  Dinner was great, but late!  The reservation was for 7pm, and the kids were a bit loopy by the end of dinner, especially as some ordering snafu happened, and their meal was brought out last.  They shared a chicken dish, which they ate up quickly, even though they’d been picking at the rest of our meals along the way.

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In the morning, Dave took Peyton out in the morning for coffee (for him of course), while I waited for them to get back to head to the twins’ party.  Dave got back after the time I’d set out to leave, thus ensuring we’d be late 🙁   He and Brandon waited for my mom to come down, then they headed out for the baseball tournament.  Peyton and I were running late, and we arrived after the party started.  We checked in, then as I’d expected, Peyton hung on to me for the first 30 minutes!  I encouraged her to go play with Tyson, Tyler or Ashlyn, but she refused.  It was already in full swing, so she wasn’t feeling it.  Plus, Brandon wasn’t there.  Finally, after I chatted with Thuy and K-linh, I followed her over to the structure, and she warmed up.  She did great, running the obstacle course and having fun.  Shortly after she relaxed and had fun, lunch was called.  The kids all lined up, and they were served pizza.  I was trying not to eat too much, as we had a long eating day, but Peyton refused the second piece of pizza I’d gotten for her (veggie) in lieu of another cheese.  So, I ate her small slice, in addition to the second slice I’d gotten myself.  She agreed to put the chips away, but ate some fruit.  She ate a piece of cake, then I whisked her off to go to Brandon’s game.  We arrived about 20 minutes late, but he was batting at the bottom of the order, so we didn’t miss anything.  They lost the first game, but I did see a coworker there, Melissa, watching her son.  She used to work with Jennifer, so it’s been a long time since I’d seen her.  I was introduced to her husband, and we chatted briefly before Dave asked me to go watch Peyton while he got up.  The second game was about an hour and a half later, so Dave took Brandon to lunch, while I took Peyton and my mom home to grab her a bathing suit for Julian’s party.  I hadn’t intended to go home in between, but it worked out, since my mom went home to get her car.  The plan was that she was going to hang out with Brandon while we were at Julian’s party.  She didn’t want to go, but she didn’t want to come back to our house alone either.  So it all worked out.  She even took Brandon to go eat tacos, so he wouldn’t feel like he was missing out, since we were having tacos at Julian’s.  Peyton didn’t take as long to warm up at Julian’s.  She wanted to get changed quickly, then she joined the other kids in the jumpy house that had water sprayed at the end.  She found Tyson and Tyler, and she played with them.  They even made a Peyton sandwich down the slide, with one twin on either side of her, in tandem.  She bonked heads with another girl since Peyton didn’t exit quickly enough, but she was tough, and got out okay.  When the twins got too cold, we pulled Peyton out as well, and to eat.  The Chang’s had arrived by then, so we spread out at a table to have the kids eat.  Peyton didn’t want to participate in the pinata, but Dave got to!  He took two swings at it, but it didn’t budge.  He thinks he “loosened” it for the others after him, but I don’t know…When the thing broke open, a ball bounced over a few kids and landed on me!  Peyton tried to collect a few handfuls.  Julian’s tia saw that Peyton didn’t get much, so she topped her off.  She was very nice and shared with her brother.  (We were given two containers of bubbles on the field trip, and she told me then, ‘Oh, I can give Brother one!’)  We headed out after that.  When we got home, Brandon and my mom had just returned home from dinner.  Peyton and I showered up, while Dave ironed his clothes for dinner.  We were going to a restaurant that I’d tried before with May and Tracy, while Dave had to babysit.  Reservations weren’t until 830 pm, so that was going to be a bit rough.  We ran late, as Peyton was giving me trouble.  She was throwing a fit, wanting to practice more piano, after we told her to go to bed.  She couldn’t perfect one piece, and she wanted to play, but she was so tired from the long day without a nap, that it was counter-productive.  We ordered, and then our meal started to appear one course after another.  We were with another couple, and we had nice conversation.  We had no idea how long we’d be sitting there until most people had disappeared around us.  It was almost midnight, but there were others at the bar.  The servers weren’t rushing us, and we weren’t lingering over any particular dish, but it was just a long dinner!  We haven’t had a meal like that in a long time!  We said goodnight to our companions, then we headed home.  It was going to be rough, since we had an early wake up for the first game.  Well, it wasn’t until 1055 am, but since it was farther away, and they had to arrive one hour before game time, they left around 915 am.  Peyton and I practiced piano, and it was a much better session. She played the part she was stuck on the first time!  Amazing what sleep can do, though her face was still puffy.  My mom said she didn’t come out after we put her to bed, so at least she had that.  We left and arrived in plenty of time for the game.  We set up in the shade, with our chairs, and my coffee.  We ended up playing the team that Melissa’s son was on.  We were the #16 seed, playing the #1.  It was a hard-fought game, with the score going back and forth.  We were the visiting team, so we went into the final inning ahead and had to hold the lead.  We had a 14-9 lead, and had to hold them.  Of the last three outs, Brandon caught the first one, from right field.  It was a line-drive, and he fielded it perfectly!  Dave had been muttering that he needed to back up, but had he listened (we were so far away, it wouldn’t have happened), he wouldn’t have gotten there.  It was great, and the coach yelled at him, in a cheer this time!  Finally!  Brandon kept his cool, since he had two more outs to make.  They gave up a few runs, but they kept it together to end the game 14-13.  They were playing a double-header on the same field, so I rushed Peyton to go potty.  The boys all used the potty, too, since it was their only chance.  They didn’t even get a chance to eat!  Parents were passing hot dogs and hamburgers through the fence to get them nutrition.  I heard a few parents not associated with either team talking about the game, saying “THAT’s what baseball is all about,” and how exciting that game was.  It was almost too exciting to watch!  My mom decided to watch the second game, since it was early.  She had lunch plans at 4 pm, so she didn’t want to be late.  It was only 1 pm, so she had plenty of time.  Peyton was happy to play on the ipad and practice tying laces.  Her teacher taught her how this past week.  This game was close, too, but the bats were a bit cold.  They didn’t get the job done, but it was a good game.  This would conclude the tournament for them.  They took a team photo, and then we headed out.  We took him to the club for a swim.  Dave and Brandon got in, while I lounged.  Brandon swam two laps, then hung out in the water with Dave.  They cleaned up, then we had shared a turkey sandwich poolside.  We headed to TJ’s and the fruit stand, and then home.  We’re all set for this week!  Peyton will come back on Wednesday.  Brandon was playing by himself, and i asked him if he missed Peyton.  He said, “Maybe just a little.”  I asked him how much.  He said, “Only a little.”  I threw out, “Like 10%?”  He said, “Yeah, that’s about right.”  We’ll see you soon, Baby Girl!

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