Absentee (Sick) Mommy

The last few days, it started with a sore throat, then progressed to body aches, and now a stuffy/runny nose with loss of smell/taste. Ugh. Brandon. He couldn’t contain his germs. Now, on the eve of my “big birthday”, I’m sick! I went to sleep at 945 pm Monday, 730 pm Tuesday (kids hugged me goodnight on the couch, I may have even fallen asleep earlier than that…Peyton hugged and said, “Good night, Sick Mommy”), 945 pm Wednesday, and hoping for something around 8 pm (it’s 745 pm now) tonight. This new schedule finally caught up to me. It hasn’t stopped me just yet, though I’d considered it this morning at the butt crack of dawn. I was surprised this morning with breakfast, courtesy of Bonnie and Kathy. I saw food on the table, and thought I’d missed the memo to bring in food! I thought it was some potluck I didn’t get an invite for! It was yummy – blueberry coffee cake, brie, crackers, fruit, and veggie straws. It was all perfect timing, as I could still taste and smell at that time! I’d already gotten sudafed ready, and more sinus rinse, as I couldn’t find my supply this morning and didn’t want to go searching around in the dark. I somehow made it through the day. During lunch, I’d received an email from Mrs. M. Peyton had a BLUE day, and she did her worksheets while waiting. Mrs. M noticed when Peyton was getting a little out of sorts, she’d give her a task to keep her busy. Worked like a charm! CDC said her day there was great as well! Definitely translation into CDC. Whenever she does well at school, she does well at CDC. Brandon had a great day as well, but I could tell he was tired. He was up late last night after baseball and homework (almost 9 pm). Men can experience two different kinds of ED problems that involve short duration cialis without prescription niksautosalon.com and long duration. These amino viagra generic online acids and oils will boost your body’s ability to cut down the hair loss. Males must get cheapest generic viagra the capsule 40 minutes before to get the response. The same drug may be manufactured and sold viagra buy cheap niksautosalon.com at a very affordable price. I gave him a choice to do homework at piano like the last few weeks or do it after and waste time. When I put it that way, he agreed to do homework. Peyton played well, and then changed positions with Brandon. He played while she did her homework. She was supposed to draw a page from her favorite book (Frozen) and write a sentence about the picture. She drew a castle in pencil first, and I told her to give more detail. She reluctantly filled in Olaf, both Anna and Elsa, and some foreground. She started with two words on the line, but later she filled out a complete sentence. We came home, and I was told Peyton had her Razkid assignment. She was so excited to log in. I told her she needed 20 minutes. she did that, and then continued to read until Dave came home. She even told us, “I’m a reading robot.” She started on E, which is according to the leveled reading is the second step of 1st grade. Brandon started on D. She has his problem though; she can “read” but she doesn’t comprehend, which is important! She plugged away at her books, and ended up getting through half of E. We got them upstairs to bed by 730 pm; they didn’t last through Jeopardy, since they were picking at each other on the couch. Just as well for me. I have to prep for my book reading lesson tomorrow, to be done in front of newbie parents, with the teacher watching, too! Hopefully my nose isn’t too stuffy! I’ll have to muster up myself to fill 50 minutes (I asked for 30 and got 50!) with a bunch of kinders. Will need a good night’s sleep for sure!

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