Countdown Begins…

Since Monday, Peyton has been counting down days until my birthday on Saturday. She’s done a great job with no corrections. Brandon seems to have no clue, but Peyton will tell him each morning or each afternoon how many more days are remaining. It’s sad that I haven’t been as excited about it, as I’m still stuffy and drippy. It is nice to see her excitement though! She wants to know what kind of cake “WE” are having to celebrate. So maybe there is an ulterior motive.
We had a great day for PC this morning. The teacher gave me 50 minutes though I’d asked for 30. I had two parents observing me, so I was extra nervous, in addition to an energetic classroom of kinders. Peyton didn’t add much, but she also did not distract, so I was proud of her for that. I did get a comment from the other mom that I knew many of the kids’ names. I told her that I was learning on the fly, and that I was forcing myself to commit to learning the kids’ names. I wrapped up just in time, and thanked the class. Being able to use computers in a day to day lives for sure! Drills, saws and various other power tools are brought into use by us on quite a regular basis. buy generic viagra These have an impact but the latest research in neuroscience shows that the brain is more malleable than was previously thought, even in adults. generic cheap viagra Addictions are particularly common in viagra canada deliver persons with biliary chronic pancreatitis. Use – Don’t Abuse – Your Auto-Responder Once you’ve attracted a prospect to your list, cheap cialis don’t break the relationship by sending ten messages a day. The Mucinex, Zyrtec, Sudafed, caffeine, and ibuprofen all worked. (Peyton told me later, “You didn’t even cough once!”) I went in to work for less than 2 hours, and still got a call from CDC. Ugh. Apparently, the worksheets I’d stashed in her folder were still in her folder, and she was on green but wanted to be on blue as it was “Arthur Friday”. This set her off, and she started crawling to CDC. When I picked her up, she was without her shoes and in the CDC office. We are going to have a meeting with CDC and the teacher. The teacher has her hands full with other kids in class who have other attention needs (at least two of them did not join me for my talk today) and aren’t used to sitting still for circle time. Mrs. M is going to put Peyton’s worksheets in a cubby where she can get to on her own at pick up time. They think it’s a transition thing that she has problem with; she is getting better in class, so I guess it’s progress!

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