Epic weekend!

Friday started out rough, as we had lots to do, but once the kids were picked up, we were good to go!  They were eating lunch in the car, then we headed onward and upward.  We stopped in Placerville for a coffee and bathroom break, and walked around the small town for a bit before pressing on.  We were in touch with the Brown’s, who were about an hour behind us.  By the time we went to pick up keys, grocery shopping, and settling in our luggage into our new home for the next three days, the Brown’s arrived.  We took a look around the house, and Bonnie showed the kids their option of rooms, just like a realtor.  They chose the room next to us, with the bunk beds.  I had to warn them of Dave’s snoring, but they’d already been aware of Ted’s.   They had to do a grocery run since I didn’t get Bonnie’s grocery request until after we’d left, but they left the kids at home with us.  They told their kids where they were going, but both were watching Up by then, and didn’t seem to notice they were being left with us.   They were all fine watching the moive, but Connor did ask where his parents were and more importantly, told us he was hungry and wanted to know what was for dinner.  I worried a little bit, but told him his mommy and daddy went to go get food for dinner, and he was satisfied with both.  They returned quickly, and we settled in for dinner.  Dave had made some won ton for us, and Bonnie brought up all home-prepped fixings for a Vietnamese noodle salad and egg rolls. They both hit the spot and all the kids were happy with dinner!  We bought a cake for Bonnie’s birthday while we were up there, and the Brown’s brought one, too. We’d talked the day before about cakes, but I didn’t change her plans, since I wanted to make sure she got what she wanted. But while we were at the store, I hadn’t checked to make sure they got something, so we got another one.  You can’t ever have too much cake, right? So, after dinner, we celebrated Bonnie’s birthday with some cake.  We tried to get the kids all to bed relatively early since we had a long day the next day, but that didn’t fly.  Our kids were the worst, requiring several trips from us to get them to bed.  It’s tough being a new place, and having them in the same room.  Brandon was on the floor in a camping mat and sleeping bag, while Peyton was going to sleep with us in the king bed.  We really should have put one of them in the walk in closet, since there was room, and it would have separated them.  The Kao’s arrived by around 10 pm, and we helped them in and get settled for the night.  They ran into traffic (understatement) which delayed their arrival.  The adults stayed up a little bit on Friday, but we wanted to get some sleep since we all had plans the next morning.

The kids woke up at about their usual time, and Dave hurried us along.  I’d already laid out all the clothes, to make things go more smoothly.  We got the kids a quick breakfast and headed up to the slopes shortly after the Kao’s.  They were making a lesson for the kids by 830 am, while we just wanted to get up on the mountain to get the most out of our lift tickets.  Martin and Theresa were coming in some time on Saturday, since they had to work later on Friday.  Since we rented our gear for the kids, and Dave and I had our own gear, we got up to the tram quickly with just a scan of our tickets.  The kids were super excited, and I was, too.  We took a short first run together, then we headed to a slightly harder lift.  It was a 6 person lift, and the four of us went on together.  We didn’t really know where to go, but we got ourselves in a jam.  The run we selected was icy and probably a blue square.  Not ideal for the 2nd run of the day and with Peyton in tow.  Brandon got down quickly, and I was proud of him.  Dave’s solution was to walk down with her.  Peyton wanted to slide, but that would have torn her ski bibs right up.  I skied down with Peyton’s skis in my hand, while Dave took off his board.  Ski patrol came down to ask them something, and he helped Dave ski his board down, while Dave picked Peyton up and did the walk of shame.  Right under the lift.  Brandon and I were just chit chatting down on the bottom.  Finally, they arrived safely, and they put their stuff back on.  Brandon and I decided to go down the mountain by ourselves, while Peyton and Dave took their time.  I didn’t want to wait, and I didn’t think I could get her down.  All that work required a pit stop.  We sat down at the closest restaurant and as we did, we were offered hot cocoa shots!  Brandon was in heaven!  It was probably 2 ounces, but it was warm and had a bit of whipped cream.  Yum!  I had Peyton’s waiting for her while she got down.  I asked the staff there at the restaurant what the best run for Peyton would be.  We were pointed to the run we’d first done, so we did that for a few times before running into the Kao’s.  They suggested a different way down from the 6 person lift.  We did the run they suggested and it was perfect!  It was a little longer than the first run, and it wasn’t as crowded.  We were going to meet up with them after they got the kids, though we weren’t sure how lunch was going to be.  We did a few more runs while they went to get the kids.  We settled down at a table for lunch, and we were done right as they were coming in.  We shared the table until we got ready to go back out.  Michelle caught Peyton staring at her, and reminded her that the goggles were see-through 🙂   When she was found out, she averted her gaze, but it was too late; we were on top her!  Ted got her to drink more water, as I told her if she drank, he wouldn’t watch her.  When she stopped, he’d stare RIGHT at her!  She is getting more chatty though, as she gets involved in playing, and will answer Ted when he asked her questions.

We were going to go do a run and then come back to ski with them.  We did go up all together, and then we came down in clumps.  I came down with Peyton, and I thought Dave and Brandon had gone up without us, so we went to do the run again.  Peyton didn’t want to wait, and she loved it so much, she just cued herself up after each run.  We didn’t see Brandon and Dave at the top either, so I thought we were on our own.  We did another run again before Dave told us that we’d gone up without them!  Oops.  He said he saw us take off on the lift!  Coming down the second time, I heard Michelle talking to Marcus, but I was too busy trying to keep up with Peyton to make sure she didn’t kill herself or anyone else.  She’s a bit of a bomber, coming down the mountain.  She doesn’t turn too well, and she loves going fast.  Bad combo!  This was one of her runs on Saturday.  The first video I had had my finger covering most of the shot. Since my gloves aren’t “tech” gloves, I had to ski while pulling one glove off, holding the phone in my left hand, and both poles in my right.  This is the run I did with Brandon.  We were having a great time!  I took Peyton on ever run, as we had a system in place.  I always put her on the far right hand side of the lift, and I held on to her wrist.  The attendants would pick her up from the back, and plop her on the chair lift.  If we were alone, we’d center ourselves in the 6 person lift.  Otherwise, we shoved ourselves to the side. If were were alone, we’d use the safety bar, in between in legs even, so I knew she wouldn’t go anywhere.  I didn’t use it if others didn’t, so I just put my hand in her crotch, grabbing on to her leg to shove her all the way back.  If we rode as a family, we’d put the bar down.  I think I had nightmares of the chair lift, especially as there was not much snow cover and LOTS of rocks.  She’d keep her tips straight up and her skis straight, and when it was time, she’d hop down from the chair and let it push her away from it with me.  I steered her by holding on to her wrist, and we’d come to a stop to wait for our boarding comrades . If we were alone, which happened a few times, she’d love to keep going, as I didn’t have to stop at all.  We got to know the same run really well, as we did it over and over.  We called it quits around 230 pm the first day.  But not without this – snow angeling!  We didn’t want to get to the whiny stage, and we may have gotten to that point by the last run.  We rode the tram down with the Kao’s and headed home together.  Peyton and I showered together to save warm water, while Brandon was after us.  The kids were told to take a nap, while Mckayla hung out with the adults.  Brandon was going to stay up with us, but when we told him he’d have to sleep earlier, he went down for a nap, too.  Luckily, Peyton was already asleep, so we wouldn’t have the same shenanigans as in the prior evening.  It didn’t take much for either of them to sleep.  The Brown boys were also asleep, as they had a busy day, going on the gondola and playing in the snow.  By this time, Theresa and Martin arrived, and we helped them settle into the place.  They’d walked around the village and had fun on their own.  The kids all got up about an hour later, and you could tell they’d been sleeping, especially Connor and Brandon, who both had red cheeks and their hair was all disheveled.  They played together on foosball, Mckayla’s sewing craft we got her for Christmas, and with the electronics.  Logan and Brandon played Minecraft, and the dancing I thought may be a hit didn’t go as well.  None of the kids wanted to perform for an audience.  But they all found a friend and had fun together!  We had hot pot for dinner, with food we’d all brought in for the festivities.  We dispersed adults and kids amongst the two large tables, and the kids all ate well.  We had a second round of celebrating since the Kao’s and Vu’s missed out the day before.  We got a photo of all the kids with Auntie Bonnie.  It looked like Jon and Kate + eight with all the kids!  (almost)

We tried again to put them down to bed relatively early so the adults could play, but our kids, having napped, were a nightmare.  They were giggling, and making noise.  We told them everyone else was sleeping, and they were the only ones up.  I decided that since I’d had so much fun with the kids, and that the Kao’s were all going skiing on Sunday that I should join in.  I bought a lift ticket for Sunday, too.  But I was nervous that they weren’t going to sleep, as we were going to have another looong day!  They finally did go to sleep, while the adults were downstairs playing pool and enjoying each other’s company.  We turned in late again, and the kids were up and at ’em again quite early.  Dave and Ted rushed our families out the door, but not before making sandwiches and feeding the kids eggs and ham.  We learned our lesson from the day before that the lines got long, and we wasted time in line, so we brought sandwiches.  The place had water, so Dave didn’t need to ski with it.  We were only planning on staying until 2 pm or so, and we wanted to meet up again to ski together.  This time, we saw the Kao’s in the parking lot, and more again on the mountain.  Martin was joining in, but we weren’t sure when he’d make it up.  We were trying to keep up with him via text.  M and M had lessons at 9 am, and when they were dropped off, we took a lift ride up with the Kao’s.  All 6 of us were on one lift, but fortunately, I’d sat next to Michelle.  Ted had snapped his pools the day before, on the lift, and had hit himself on the back of the head with the guard rail.  The things Michelle told me made me afraid to sit next to him!  They’d gotten tangled up on the dismount.  Dismounting with 6 of us at one time was a bit daunting, but being on the end helped.  Peyton and I successfully dismounted, and I think the rest made it off, too.  I don’t want to look back for fear of being dragged down if that was the case.  We didn’t stay together, but had plans again to meet up for lunch.  This time, we were going to coordinate at the same time, as a way for us to rest.  We were able to take some photos of the 8 of us after lunch!  Ted had already taken a picture of the four of us at the top of our fave lift.  After lunch, we went up to the top of the mountain.  Peyton made it, but it was a bit scarier.  I’d already saved her on two occasions, as she started out the day almost plummeting over the out of bounds area. Twice.  I saw her go down, and she was headed, fast, for the edge.  I sped toward her, and cut across where she was sliding, and had to hockey stop/spray her, bracing for impact, to have my skis stop her from sliding.  She stopped before she hit me, but not before being sprayed head to toe in snow.  I warned her to slow down, and make turns.  I also requested that she err to the side of the top of the mountain, versus over the edge.  She agreed, which I was happy about. She got spooked with the harder run, and Dave wasn’t much help, since he just takes off.  At one point, I had both kids to watch, and was quietly cursing Dave out for the lack of help.  He can’t save either kid because he’s not that great on the board himself, and he can’t reach out and grab them safely.  He probably could on skis, as he skis better than I do, but he’s useless on a board.  We returned to our fave run, while Brandon and Dave did another run up to the top. I had another scare with Peyton, who had her tips up for a dismount off the lift, but jumped down too quickly, and resulted in said tips to bang into the platform face, but luckily, they bounced upward, on to the platform, and I pulled her off the lift, skis straight to the awaiting snow below.  I looked over to the lift attendant, and just shook my head in disbelief.  The next time we headed up, he cheered when we dismounted without drama 🙂

We met up with the Kao’s again.  Dave and Brandon were done, while the three younger kids wanted to go to Ted’s ski school.  He had them playing red light green light, and follow the leader.  Peyton was the most in control in “school” with Ted, and totally listened to him.  It was nice having another adult or two to help corral kids.  I could only do what I could from behind her, but now, I played caboose while I had an engine, too.  Saturday, she’d asked me, “Is Uncle Ted going to ski tomorrow?”  I told her yes, and asked if she wanted to ski with Uncle Ted.  She said, “Yes.”  I told Ted he’s slowly chipping away at her.  After all his work, over the last 4-5 years, he’s finally winning!  The kids agreed to two more runs on the easy run.  But on our last time up, we ran into Martin.  We asked him if he wanted to join us, and if he wanted a ride back home.  He hadn’t been there that long, but he was ready.  So, he was our reason for ONE more run, while we gave him a good excuse to stop, too.  We all got down safely, then headed to the tram.  Peyton, Martin and I were going to go on the tram that was headed down, but a stretcher was in there, and we couldn’t fit.  By that time, the Kao’s were ready to go, and we all rode together.  The kids got the one bench, and they looked like they were going to pass out on the tram, Peyton especially!  Dave was waiting for us off the tram.  I had Peyton by me, then suddenly remembered Martin.  I asked, “Where’s Martin?”  To which I got, “I’m right here!”  I got in the back with the kids, while Martin rode shotgun.  Dave got his stuff up on top, and Peyton and I got our stuff off.  The younger ones skied from 9 to 3!! Dave and Brandon were the already good to go, so we headed out first.  We did the same thing with showers, and then we didn’t bother having the kids nap.  They were re-vitalized.  The Brown boys were sleeping at this point, so we had the kids play quietly, watching TV in our room.  When they all got up, we had dinner from leftovers.  But they were turned into something different!  Since we weren’t hot potting, we had a kids table and an adult table!  The kids were fed quickly, and they were told they’d get cake only after eating dinner.  Last one done may not get cake?  The Tsao kids proceeded to inhale their food.  Brandon was first, and I think Peyton was second or third.  They waited for each other, and after a few more electronics, they ate cake.  As the other two nights, we told our kids they could have pastries that Michelle had brought only if they went directly to sleep.  On the final night, they finally were the first ones out. Brandon crawled into our bed, protesting being on the floor, while Peyton was put in Brandon’s spot.  I told her if she fell asleep down there, I’d bring her up with me when I went to bed.   I think Brandon 5 minutes to fall asleep, while Peyton took 10 minutes, max.  We could finally relax and not have to keep going back to the room.  We played pool again, this time, Theresa and I took on the spouses.  It was a close game, and they ended up beating themselves, which I’ll take.  Finally, we used the poker chips that we’d brought.  Bonnie, Stuart, Martin, Dave and Ted played, while Theresa, Michelle and I watched.  I made myself useful by shuffling some of the decks.  It helped to keep my hands busy so I wouldn’t snack.  Dave and Ted had to buy back in at least once, while Bonnie cashed out early.  It came down to Dave and Bonnie, and one head to head match, Dave thought he won, but then took a look again, and realized the hand was pushed with both of them having aces.  The kicker didn’t take affect as was thought, so it was back to the grind.  Ultimately, Bonnie was the victor!  We all agreed that she was the one who’d appreciate the win the most.  We can see how Connor gets his look of glee and joy, as it was Bonnie’s look that evening as well!  We called it a night with that.  Michelle and I were looking forward to a non-rushed morning, but Dave had other plans.  He wanted to get down the mountain to avoid traffic.  We all ended up out of the house an hour before check out, so we could return the keys.  We headed down to my mom’s, changed tires, went to lunch, and then finally headed to the rental place to return the gear.  Piano practicing for Brandon, reading for Peyton, and both were done without complaints.  What a great weekend…Here are the pictures from the weekend…the kids and adults all had such a great time! Here’s Michelle’s take…in case I missed something or got the details wrong.  It’s kind of a blur at this point, and luckily, I have time stamps on photos to help with chronology.












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