
Today I went to work in the morning then came back to Peyton’s class for book reading. We waited for the other mom to get there so I got to see the morning roll call where each kid says “Good morning, Mrs M.” Then they check the weather, count number of kids who will have hot lunch, and then look books. They also have a calendar segment and practicing counting to 100. Peyton was the selected helper today. I videoed her without getting anyone else in the shot.
Finally we got to read. The lesson went well and my plant in Peyton worked but sounded a bit too rehearsed. She answered too stiffly but got the job done to share how she was “big ” over the break. I went home to continue packing up and then met Dave for breakfast. I went back to school for lunch duty. I was dreading it only because I had other things to do but I had a good time playing with Hope and Peyton. No injuries today. Although it is more common in elderly people; but many men and women face this disorder in their life and not viagra online the women. Less strenuous weightlifting, walking, jumping, rope jumping levitra professional and hanging are the best exercises to prevent physical debilities in old age. The evidence for the adverse effects of the drug include dizziness, headaches, sneezing, photo phobia, palpitations, heart attacks, flushing, dyspepsia and in some rare cases, sudden female viagra pills death. Many times when you take the time out to talk and understand what you’re check stock viagra pfizer prix child is going through can be very helpful. One girl came up to me and asked, “Are you Peyton’s mom?” I said yes and expected her to tattle or say something else. I’d never seen her before. I asked her why she asked. And she said, “Because you look just like her!” I asked her her name and watched her cross the bars. I wasn’t even around Peyton at the time. I went home after lunch to help Dave with the rest of the packing. We headed out to get kids at dismissal then came home to drop off backpacks since it was extra gear. We got on the road by 1 pm. The Brown’s checked in about an hour later, and they’d left about the same time. We were on different routes and so far no traffic for us. Peyton and I took a nap and now it’s a longer stretch to get to anywhere.
Here’s Peyton’s password to get into her math program. So many things to remember!

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