
Last night, Peyton didn’t go to sleep until after 8 pm.  She came in to cuddle before my second snooze went off, and when it did, she was sluggish to get ready.  She finally did get ready, and she went down to eat.  I was worried how her behavior would be, and reminded her to stay on green and out of lunch bunch.  I picked only her up today since the boys had basketball.  I did stop in and say hi to Brandon before leaving with Peyton.  She didn’t offer what color she ended up on, which got me a little worried.  She said she didn’t have her star sheet because something was wrong with the photocopier.  She did offer the book that the other mom gave to her to give to me, which I’d been emailed about.  I finally asked her about the color she received.  Nonchalantly, she told me, “I got gold.”  I asked her how she got gold.  She said, “I went from green to blue by sitting quietly with a snowball in my hand. Then, I went Kamagra may not fill in as fast in the event that your erection keeps going viagra online in uk longer than 4 hours or gets to be tormenting, you must counsel your Doctor or Physician instantly. Sildenafil citrate viagra on line is the most important component found in the medicine. It helps to increase the blood circulation in the organs of the body including penile. viagra online from india Today’s way of life is an extremely riotous one. levitra sale from blue to purple by reading.  I went from purple to gold for helping clean up in my shirt!”  She went on to tell me someone else got gold first, so she didn’t get to turn her card to gold, just in name only.  Only two of them got it today, so I told her I was proud of her!

I got her dinner up quickly, and had her eat.  She didn’t really like the salad that we got her, so it took some time for her to eat it.  I washed everything up around her, ate, and still waited for her to finish up.  We read, practiced piano and showered. I even did her hair for tomorrow before letting her do a few pieces of her puzzle.  By 715 pm, the boys hadn’t come home yet.  I got her in bed, and within the 15 minutes that Dave and Brandon came home, she was asleep.  I’m hoping to reset her sleeping so that by the time the weekend comes, she’ll be fully rested.  Then we can sap her again 🙂

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