Birthday Saturday

We’d booked Peyton’s birthday for an ice skating event with her friends from school. The basic package was for 10 friends, and then her. We whittled it down to all of her main friends from pre-school (5) and then some school friends, mostly those I know the parents of. One friend never responded, and then one brought her sister, so we were in the clear (one was also her brother). But before we could attend the party, we had to do our usual Saturday routine. This time, it involved baseball tryouts. Brandon had a basketball conflict last weekend, so he wasn’t able to make tryouts there, so he went Saturday morning. I wanted to go, so my mom, who was coming into town anyway, came in early. Dave and Brandon headed out earlier in the morning, while I waited for my mom with Peyton. When she arrived, I headed out on foot to meet them. I got there by 955 am, and they’d already gotten started early! I missed Brandon’s fielding portion. He’d fielded 2 grounders, 3 pop flies, threw them all to first, and then took first base to do the same for the next kid. I waited around until pitching. I videoed him doing that but realized I should’ve done it in slo mo 🙂

Next after everyone did that, then it was time to hit off the pitching machine. This time I did get it in slo mo.

After he was done with that, he came over to me while Dave evaluated the rest of the kids. We stopped to say hi to my high school friend who was registering his little boy for baseball. Dave was giving him a few pointers as he was on the fence between two divisions. We got home, and Peyton and my mom had already napped. That’s why I didn’t want to bring her, as I knew she needed a nap badly otherwise things wouldn’t go well for her at the party. My mom and I picked Misha up, then headed to the rink, while Dave and Brandon went in his car. V and her sister were the first ones to arrive. Then, her friends started to trickle in. She was rather shy, but when the adults started to talk, she came into her own, and she mingled with her friends. I tried to get her to help introduce the other kids who didn’t know each other. Luckily, everyone knew at least someone from some school or another. The party seemed so long, at three hours, and some of the kids did tire of skating. Not Peyton! She went out there, and didn’t want to come back 🙂 Dave was out there, too, as he brought his own skates. One of the dads played hockey in college and he reluctantly strapped on his skates to go out there with the girls. They all had a great time, and more importantly, everyone got better by the time they headed off the ice. Next, it was cake time, and the girls (and Brandon) were all excited about that. We wrapped up a little early, with Misha’s mom coming in to pick her up, then we immediately headed to Brandon’s basketball game. Our neighbor and former teammate from baseball was on the other side of the court this time, but I said hi and cheered for him. My mom asked why, and I told her it wasn’t like the pros where you don’t cheer for them when they cross “teams”. These are kids! We came home and neither of the kids were particularly hungry. They played marbles and opened up presents before heading to bed. With my mom around, I decided to head out with Dave on his “man-date”. His friend from MO was in town, so they were all going to get together. Dave had to ask if it was okay (I know them all!), and when I was “allowed”, we headed out. Dave also informed me that I’d get to be DD, which I didn’t mind. We headed to PA, and went to a place that Dave found, and Kenny had been to before, and realized when we were getting seated. We chatted there for awhile before going to another place on foot. Then it was my turn to take over, and the boys wanted pizza, but the place that was thought to be open til 2 am (yes, we were out late), was only open until midnight. So at 1:30 am, we found ourselves at a donut place that’s open 24 hours. I felt like I was in college again. Since everyone was going to get something, we decided to get a dozen to make it worthwhile. Everyone got to pick 2, and then Kenny randomly picked 2 more for the dozen. We ate them there, and brought the picked through pieces back. Michelle had told me about a new app, so I finished my “training” for the day, since it’d already turned to the next day, and then went to bed. We’ll have Brandon’s birthday with my family today and watch the Super Bowl!

Allison had put her skates back on to go back on the ice, so we’re missing one. And Brandon didn’t want the tiara.
(Peyton wore Mckayla’s owl on her scarf, which I think was a great place for it, and Baymax adorned her cake) – more pics from the big camera to come pending review of them.








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