This morning, the kids woke up early, but they headed downstairs, while we slept in a little. Dave got up to go pick up our skis while I got our house ready for guests. My dad arrived in time for breakfast that Dave had picked up – dim sum pieces and bao. The boys headed out for the game, while my parents hung out with Peyton and me until it was time for us to go. We headed out in my dad’s car, then watched Brandon’s game. It was a hard-fought game, and it was good that Brandon made his initial free throw to start the game (they shoot free throws for points in the beginning, just to emphasize the importance of them; Brandon usually misses, but was first in line today, and made it!). After the game, my parents took Peyton home for a nap (after walking a lap around the track, I later found out), and then we headed back with Brandon to get an ice cream cake. He wanted something with cookies and cream. We’d had cake leftover from the day before, so we just wanted something small for him to stick a candle in. When we got home, Peyton was still awake but in bed, so Brandon showered up. I reminded Peyton of naptime, and within 5 minutes, she was out. Such cialis cost advice puts your child at risk for getting seriously hurt. Therefore, these vardenafil online sex enhancer herbal pills increase ejaculation force in men. Companies running associate schemes number in their thousands, enabling you to shop around to find one selling goods most likely to cheap levitra tempt your visitors. Every era in sildenafil for women buy some way survives its “defining moments”. She really doesn’t fight it anymore. My grandma, uncle, aunt and cousin came over shortly thereafter to hang out before the Super bowl was to start. I woke Peyton after about an hour, as she always asks me to, but usually she wakes on her own. This time, I didn’t want her to sleep too long, and I wanted to make sure she slept later on in the evening. Dave prepped burgers for us, along with various dips and toppings, salad, chips and my mom made wings. Peyton typed up thank you cards along with pictures we attached. She was practicing her typing, which took her a long time for each letter, but she was really working on her hand position. We ate an early dinner, and by 630 pm, we were serving cake. Kids were done by 7 pm, and after opening presents, both were sent to bed, never to be heard from for the rest of the evening. We finished up with another MJ game, while watching the rest of the game. Everything wrapped up relatively early so we could get things cleaned up for the start of the week! Dave was taking more pictures with the big camera, but here is what I have.