Yesterday was a low key day. We did the same-o same-o, like go to work and sell cookies. 🙂 This time, we hit up another work area, and Peyton (and Julie) did her thing. It was a little harder for her, if that’s even possible, but she has this rash on her face, that she’s a bit self-conscious about. I think she forgets it’s there, though I did bring it up a few times. She is getting more bold and asking strangers if they’d like to buy cookies. She’s telling them how much each box will cost, and saying thank you, eventually. We went to piano as usual, and then it was a quiet evening, with both down after jeopardy at 730 pm, and me asleep by 9 pm. Today, we got up and read a bit, then headed in to work site # 3. Brandon suddenly said, “This is far! Is this why you have to leave so early in the morning?” He got his days mixed up, but I did tell him it was a farther drive to this site. Our intent was to see Roxy, but we ended up selling stock on hand as well. We stopped by to say hi to Auntie Bonnie, and the kids were a bit stir-crazy! We managed to leave without breaking my work chair (they were having fun playing around on it), and then we re-loaded cookies before heading home. Dave came home mid-afternoon, prior to Peyton’s appointment for her face. Brandon rushed him at the door and gave him a great, big bear hug, just as Auntie Bonnie had suspected. He wouldn’t even let him in the door way; he just stood there and gave him a long embrace. Peyton just laughed at him, but she did go and give him a hug, too. It just wasn’t as exuberant as Brandon’s.
We all went to her appointment together. Of course, we brought along cookies, and Peyton sold to some of the MA’s in pediatrics, while I headed to the office to check on voicemails and do a little work. However the solution can also be viagra for women discovered under the fraction of 200mg in extensive solution form. With super zenegra, making love is the most pleasurable music for our ears. wholesale viagra india To fight stress levels and maintain good health, you can take other measures that we will briefly discuss in this article. cialis in österreich 1. Once a person’s dopamine levels decrease by 30%, symptoms of Prices levitra prescription on line early parkinson’s disease start to show. I brought Brandon with me, and he proceeded to make paper airplanes, and origami games. Lawrence was in the office, and he asked if we were having a party. I’d gotten locked out of my computer, so it was taking me some time to get signed back in. Finally, I did, made a call, and then signed off in time for Dave and Peyton to arrive. Diagnosis, as suspected, contact dermatitis. She’d been rolling (literally) around on the floor of my dad’s office, and the doctor thinks she may have picked something up there. I found out that Dr C said we probably shouldn’t have had to come in, but she was glad that Peyton did, as she sold her two boxes of cookies! Score! She made one last sale to Lawrence, who despite getting a few girl scouts at his door, decided to buy from Peyton, too. We headed to get a new toilet for our bathroom. Our toilet gets the most use, with three of us (Peyton refuses to use Brandon’s yucky one). She was happy, saying, “Yay, no more clogs!” As we returned home, we saw the neighbor boys outside, and Peyton and Brandon ran down the street to sell to them. Dave and I were bringing in the toilet, so they were on their own. Funny thing is Peyton wouldn’t go unless Brandon went, and he was more than happy to go down with her. He helped her carry one of the cookie boxes, and then escorted her back.
We’ll go door to door in my dad’s (my old) neighborhood. There is less solicitation around the hills, and more neighbors we know that may help us out. Dave is changing it now, the kids are all asleep, and sports weekend resumes tomorrow, with the final push for the season. The end of the season tournament is this weekend, and Peyton has a birthday party to attend tomorrow. It’ll be fun for us all!