Dave woke up as usual this morning, and he was wrapping up his packing for his mini trip away from home. He was not thrilled as he’d be sharing the room with co-worker, whom he isn’t close. Brandon was giving Dave lingering hugs, as the boy loves him some daddy. Dave took off after 8 am. It gave us time to have a good, big breakfast (Dave was prepping turkey burgers for dinner this morning, and the kids split one) in addition to their other breakfast. While we waited for Michelle and Mckayla to come by around 9 am. As soon as Dave left, Brandon reverted to his 2 year old self, saying, “Daddy gone. Daddy bye-bye.” He looked pathetic. But he wasn’t crying, so that’s progress. I *think* he was kidding around, but deep down, I know his misses his daddy. We cleaned up a bit, read a few books, and then when they arrived, Peyton “sold” Michelle her cookies. We got into the car, where Brandon was already, and we caravanned up to the city. My plan to go to the library last night worked out beautifully – Brandon read in the car, while Peyton snoozed. She knew better than to read, as she tends to get car sick. It was a very quiet ride right up until we were getting close to the museum and trying to find parking. Peyton sprung to life, which I was happy about. I didn’t want her to be lethargic the whole day, as that would have made things very difficult. They were very excited getting out of the car. After feeding the meter, we headed across the street. We checked in, and made a pit stop before heading to explore. I’d paid four hours in the meter, thinking it was plenty of time. It is whole body acidity with the medical name as the sildenafil españa metabolic acidosis. Keeping erection woes in mind, Ajanta Pharma, a leading pharmaceutical brand, levitra prescription see this has come up with the vital erectile dysfunction solutions in the form of kamagra tablets, soft tablets and jellies. Can the purchase really get any simpler than this? Gold generic viagra mastercard Max range of herbal supplements should be taken only when required. It is often a frequent simple fact that people (or animals for that matter) who have calorie restricted diets live longer. on line viagra But before we knew it, almost 3 hours had passed! My kids were hungry, so we stopped outside for a bit to eat. I’d brought bars to tie them over, and each kid had one. The weather outside was perfect! I was expecting it to be windy, but it wasn’t in the least. We could see clearly across the bay. They had a few more minutes playing outside before we headed back to the cars. We put more money in, and then headed to the Ferry Building. I got them each a sandwich, then we parted ways from Michelle and Mckayla. We walked over to my dad’s office, and Peyton proceeded to deliver her cookie orders. She had help from my aunt. Brandon chowed down on his lunch, then came out to say hello. Peyton finished up her lunch, and once she was done, she was taken around to the neighbors next door to sell the rest of the random boxes I’d brought. I only brought what I could carry, and she sold them all! I was told she would’ve and could’ve sold more of I’d brought more stock! When she puts her vest on, she’s totally able to sell more boxes! We walked back, and it was so much longer of a walk without Mckayla to keep Peyton company. They chatted on the way over, and then Peyton dragged a bit on the way back. We did make it, and we stopped by the store before leaving. Brandon got a set of magnets, and then we headed out. Peyton fell asleep again, while Brandon read his book quietly. It took us almost 1.5 hours to get home, and by that time, Peyton had awoken. I was okay with that, since I wanted them both to sleep earlier tonight. The kids showered up, practiced piano, ate dinner, watched jeopardy, and then they were out. Here are the pics from today:
Brandon took the sleeping Peyton ones from the backseat 😉